Wednesday 5 September 2018

Sons Of Ma'afu

LI: to identify the purpose of narratives and to identify the underlying morals/themes/explanations in myths, legends, and fairytales
This week we learned about Pacific Stories. There were for choices of stories. There was Son's of Ma'afu, Piece of Paradise, In the beginning, and Kakangora. I picked Son's of Ma'afu. I also did my Reading Notes to give me an understanding of the text. So then I had to do my Must Do. My must do was to tell what were the lessons in the story. I had to have at least some movement, audio, or video. I think Sons Of Ma'afu is a legend because there are people doing some memorable. The memorable thing or action they did was that they killed the two most fierce, and dangerous beast in Tonga.


  1. Hello Chris,
    I stumbled over your blog and found this. I think you have done an amazing job becuase your blogpost is detailed. I did this to but I did another story. I like your summary about the sons of Ma'afu. Keep up the amazing effort.

  2. Hey,Chris
    I stopped on your blog to see what we have been doing this week. I have a few questions to answer. How did you know this book? Is there a specific way to find this book? Nice work and keep it up.
