Thursday, 27 December 2018

Stranger than Fiction

LI: to talk about plants
For this activity I went on a list of plants, and I had to pick two from the list. Then I had to write three similarities and three differences. The two I picked were the Venus Flytrap (also known as Dionaea Muscipula) and the White Baneberry (also known as Actaea Pachypoda). I've picked the Venus Flytrap because I have learnt about it before, and I also picked the White Baneberry because it looks harmless but when you learn about it, its harmful.

Both are somewhat harmful
They're both plants
They're both found in wet places

Venus Flytrap is carnivorous, White Baneberry is not
They are found in different places
White Banberry is taller


  1. Hi Chris,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you picked something you already knew about, it is great to expand on your prior knowledge. Did you know a Venus Flytrap uses small hairs on the inside of its "mouth" to know when something goes inside, and then it closes its leaves and dissolves whatever it caught in acid? Imagine getting caught by a massive one!

  2. Good afternoon Chris,

    Great similarities and differences for those plants! Can you tell me what makes the Baneberry dangerous?

    Have you seen the venus flytrap in the Auckland domain wintergardens?

    Enjoying your writing!


  3. Hi Chris,

    What an outstanding blog post seen from you. It's good to see you focusing on your learning during these summer holidays. I did this activity too. It was great. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? You have written amazing similarities and differences for each plant. The images look great as well. I chose the White Baneberry too.


  4. Hello Chris,
    Great choice of plants!. I really like the plants you choose. THis activity was kinda like a Venn DIagram right?. Keep it up
