Thursday 31 August 2017

Kiwi Sport

LI: to learn jumping skills
We practised jumping skills. It was really cool. We also did high jump. We also played Valleys and Volcanoes. If you want to play the activities then you can read my DLO.

Limerick Poem

Written by Chris:

A man turned red with rage,
he was going through a angry stage.
He is really mad,
He will never be glad,
Now he has to turn the stage.

LI: to write a poem about feelings.
This week for Inquiry I was writing a poem about feelings. We had four type of poems to pick Diamante, Cinquain, Limerick and a Haiku. A Diamante is a poem that has one word at the top and the two lines or sentence under the word is describing that first word. The middle line is a phrase. THe last word one the bottom is described on the two sentences above the word. There are 7 lines in a Diamante.

A Cinquain poem is a poem that must have a one word title. (noun), next it must have two adjectives that is describing the noun, after that it needs three - ing words, after that is has to have a phrase and finally it has to have a synonym for the title.

A Limerick is a humorous poem. It should have five humorous lines. A limerick also has to talk about a person or a place. It also has to rhyme.

A Haiku is a poem that has 3 lines and it involves the seasons. There is a pattern. The pattern is that the first line or sentence has 5 syllables second line has 7 syllables, and last of all the last line has 5 syllables.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

For it or Against it

I am against having technology at school because we can write down on it on piece of paper. We can use our knowledge that we already know, our prior knowledge. How we can research by watching the News on television. It can also help us with our handwriting because we write more often. But we tt will still help us with our education. We might even have better writing while we grow up. You can even go on T.V channels like Animal Discovery, History, TLC and more. You could even learn methods to multiply faster, add faster and subtract faster. You can even learn about nature how plants grow. We can be social and active because we don’t go on technology that often.  Us kids can learn more about nature. We could be fit because we don’t go on our technology that much. It will just make the world a better place. It will be great for us kids to write down information.

LI: to have a point of view and to construct a argument.
This week for writing I had to make a 1 minute speech. Our category was why should technology be used at school. We had to be for it or against it. I was against it. What we did before that was he had to get into our writing groups Then we had to say a 30 second speech unplanned. Then Mr Ogilvie would say a category and the we would have to do a speech for it or against it. This is my hypothetical argument about Technology at school.

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn how to control our emotion and use Self Control and Self Discipline.
This Wednesday we went to Kiwi Can. This time it was only Miss Litoya. Mr Malu wasn't there at that time. We played some activities. We had to some sessions about Self Control and Self Discipline.

Opossums Poster

LI: to identify the main ideas of a text and to separate fact from opinion
What I learned today was the main idea of the story I was telling and learned what a main idea.
What a main idea of the story is what are the important or main parts of the story.
This week we were reading Possums are a problem. We had o write the facts and opinion and had to do  a main idea summary frame. But we were not allowed to blog that. We had to pick a side. Do we want to kill them or let them be.  We had to make a persuasive poster to let them die or to let them go away.

3D shape

LI: To create my own 3D shape with a different capacity from volume.
This week for Maths I made a 3D shape. What I did first before making the 3D shape I made a schedule or a plan. I blogged my plan last week. We had to write the measurements, calculation. Mr Wong also challenged us that capacity of our 3D shape had to be different from the volume.
How we did it was that before we did everything and the plan, Mr Wong showed us a example of what to do. 

Monday 28 August 2017

Daily 6

This week for Daily 6 I was doing the Reading Log.
What I had to do was go on our Class site and had to press the Daily 6 button and went on our Reading Log. After that we had to make a copy then write down the title of the book we were reading. Thne write the date. After that we had to write down the summary.

Raz Kids/Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

This week I was on Raz Kids. This time I was reading Aladdin and the wonderful Lamp. It was the same as the movie but a bit shorter and a little modifications. If you don't know what Raz Kids is it is a Online Reading Game Site. You can read on the site. There are a bunch of books and you can be in different levels out of A - Z.

The Big Puppy Canoe Race

This week for my Can do's I was doing my Math ones. The point of the game is to answer the basic facts as fast as possible and when you get the question right you get a little boost so you can be in the lead. If you get the question wrong nothing happens to you. You just don't get a boost.
If you want to play it you can go on the link.


         This week I was commenting on Aung Naings blog. He was blogging about his poetry poster.
                                                          It was a really good blog post.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Raz Kids

Today I went on Raz Kids I was reading a book called Special Effect. The book was talking about special effects on movies. If you don't know what Raz Kids is it is a reading site for kids to read on.

Point Of View

 This week for Writing I had to write something that people should allow to do or not to do.  I had to write something with two paragraphs. What I wrote about is that kids at the age of
11 - 14 can drive. Then after that I had to write a comment on my Writing groups opinions. Do I agree with them or do I disagree with them. Before I did that I had a big piece of paper this was a group activity. There were 3 articles we had to write the Point of View on the sheet of paper Mr Ogilvie taught us


LI: to learn the basics of jumping.
The first activity we were doing was Stuck in the mud but a little modification. The change is when you get tagged you have to leap over them to free whoever is stuck. The next one was comparing 2 things to do when you jump and have to pick the best one to use. Then after that we were playing Jumping Relay. What we had to do was get in groups . and the first one in the line had to jump. Then the 2nd person had to go next to them and jump from there and you keep doing that until the last person jumps. Whoever goes the furthest wins. My team one the Jumping Relay.
After that we were goon to play the last activity for the week. It was a game called Rock, Paper, Scissors. We had to get in to teams and had to get to the other teams side my jumping. If you and your opponent meets up that means you two will have to do Rock, Paper, Scissor. If you get to the other side that means you get a point for you team.

Poetry Poster

LI: to learn the patterns of a poem.
What I learned was patterns from poems. There are rhyming patterns, type of word patterns, number of words patterns, and last of all syllable patterns. This week for our Inquiry we had to make a poster and write all the patterns in the poem.  

Kiwi Can

Today for Kiwi Can we were doing some activities it was really fun if you want to know what happened go read the D.L.O. 
It was only Mr Malu that taught us because Miss Litoya wasn't feeling that well. 

Wednesday 23 August 2017

3D Shape Planning

LI: to create my own 3D shape with a different capacity from volume
This week for Maths, I had to make a plan because next week I am going to make a 3D shape. First of all I had o make a net for the shape and measure the width, height and depth. Next I had to do the capacity. We also had to make the capacity over 0 and make the capacity different from the volume. If you don't know what capacity means it means how much a shape or object can hold. Volume means what is the shape or objects size.

Fact or Opinion and Main Idea Summary Frame

LI: to separate fact from opinion and to identify the main ideas of a text
What I learned was to tell the main ideas and tell the difference. Opinion is what someone thinks and feels it can be backed up with some information but its still not true. Fact is something that is true it has 
real information it is not a fake fact it is a true fact.

Tuesday 22 August 2017


   This week I was commenting on Florence's blog. She was blogging about Raz Kids and told her about the mistake she made. It was a really interesting book. It sounds like Luna has no clothes to wear.

Maths Prototec

This week I was doing my Can Do's I did the Maths Protetec game.  You could pick what stage you are at. You can even do your Tables. You just have to write the answers or you have to do this "7 - ? = 2". You also have to write your name before you play and write what class you are in. 

Monday 21 August 2017

Reading Log

LI: to learn how to summarise a story or a piece of information
This week I did my Daily 6's. I did my Reading Log.
What I do for my Reading Log is that I have to put the title of the book and write the date. After you write them you have to write a summary about the book. 
My summary was about that Geronimo Stilton, the Geronimo Stilton of the parallel universe. He went to a strange planet Flurkon when he met two strange aliens because their ship was broken down. Then after that he goes to their home planet and see's the Queen of Flurkon. When the Queen see's Geronimo she feels in love with him. She wants o marry him! Will Geronimo be forced to stay there forever! 

Thursday 17 August 2017

Cooperative Game

This week for Inquiry I had to make a Cooperative Game. We had to be in a group of 4 or 5. After that we had to make a game about being cooperative and about working together. We had to make rules sensible ones. Then after we write the equipment that we are going to use. Then  Mr Ogilvie will be judging us with TREE. if you don't know what TREE is it is a acronym. T = Teaching Style, R = Rule, E = Environment, E = Equipment.


LI: to create our own advertisement.I learnt that advertisement is when you are persuading someone to buy or get your product.I learnt this by creating this video about our product The J.K.R Handball.It is the worlds bounciest hand you can buy it in the history of the Universe.The special features for this ball is when ever it bounces it changes color.This is no Ordinary handball it is the Worlds BEST handball

Kiwi Can

This week for Kiwi Can we were learning about Self Disciplines. The first activity we were playing was called "Bip Bop Bounce" we had to say bang before Miss Litoya says bounce. If you don't say bang before Miss Litoya says bounce you are out. The other game we played was that we had to be two groups of four and when had to make up a name for the team. If Miss Litoya says the groups name that means they have to get the beanbags before the other teams tags you. 

Wednesday 16 August 2017

3D Nets

LI: to draw nets by simple 3D shapes
This week I was doing Maths.
I was learning how to make a net. If you don't know what a net is it is a 3D shape that is unfolded. The first one I did was a triangular prism. The second one was a 3D square and the last one is a triangular pyramid.
How I learned first was by drawing a net from a dice it was a little hard to figure out but on the way I knew what to do.


This week I was commenting on Karlos's blog. He was blogging about one of his Daily 6. The Daily 6 he was doing was Keyboarding Drills. I done the Keyboarding Drills as well.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Raz Kids

This Tuesday I was on Raz Kids and was reading "The Great Gallardo's Books". This boy named Miguel was suppose to do his homework by summarising them and writing them down on a piece of paper. Then he saw the attic he never been before in his house and went inside. There were a chest of his grandpas books and read them. If you want to find out what he is going to read go on Raz Kids.

Monday 14 August 2017

JetSki Addition Game

This week I was playing a Addition maths game for my Can Do's.
There are addition questions and every time you get the questions right you get a little boost.
If you get the question wrong nothing happens to you, its just you don't get a boost. 
When you finish there is a board that tells you what questions you got wrong. If you want to ply the game the link is there. Jetski Addition Game

Reading Log

This week I was doing one of my Daily 6's. It is called Reading Log. We had to write down the title of the book and write the day. We also had to write the summary of the book you were reading. 

Fact or Opinion

LI: to separate fact from opinion
What I learned was the difference between fact and opinion. A fact is something that is actually true it can also be proven. A opinion is what you think it could be true and most of the time not. A opinion can not be proven. How I learned was that I was watching a clip from the Lorax movie and had to write the opinions and the facts.  

Thursday 10 August 2017


Today I commented on Aden. I was telling him things he needs to work on. Surprisingly he did a amazing job.


LI: to learn hot to react fast
What I learned was to react fast when I am in a race. There were 3 games we played. The first one was called Here, There, Where. The first game was about reacting fast. Andy would say " Go here, nope there, nah here, wait where" we had to react fast like that. The second game was about reacting fast the last game as well.
The second game is really fun! We had to get in partners and had to go the opposite line of your partner. Then after that Andy would clap and we had to put the cones between you and your partner. The third is not really a game. We had to know what to do when the starter of a race says " On your marks set go/gun/clap. So at the beginning we have a big step away from our start line. Then when the starter say "On your marks" we go as close as possible to the start line, but not over it or passed. After that when the starter says ' set, you bend both your knees, and you opposite hand to the opposite leg. Then you Go!

Daily 6

LI: to learn how to type fast
Today I did one of my Daily 6. It was about how to type faster. 
I had to copy the letters and numbers in a different table. 
There are 3 different levels. There is 1, 2 and 3. 1 is pretty easy it is just random letters. 2 is words but it doesn't make sense the words are juggled around. 3 is words that kinda make sense.

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn what emotions are
The catchphrase for Kiwi Can is " Kiwi Can says emotions are what we feel, let others know what's the deal".
Our first activity for today was "Emotional Selfies". We had a fake selfie stick. Mr Malu and Miss Litoya gave us an emotion and had to do a selfie of that emotion. Our other activity is that we had to put emotions to the worst emotion, to the best emotion.

At Kiwi Can

Wednesday 9 August 2017


LI: To scale shapes bigger or smaller
What I learned was to scale a shape bigger or smaller. If you wanted to make your shape bigger you would have to multiply it by a number, if you wanted to make it smaller you would have to divide it by a number.
How I learned was I had to get with a partner and the partner had to give there two draw irregular shape and one draw regular shape and had to make it bigger by multiplying the number our partner have chose for us. After that for our Must Do was to make a video, slide with voice instruction or a graphic we had to pick one of them to do.
We had to tell them how to scale a shape bigger or smaller.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Persuasive Advertisments

LI: We are learning to able to identify what makes a effective advertisement.
What I learned was what makes an effective ad. How do they persuade people to buy the product they are selling? What product are they selling. Who are they attracting the product to. 
How I learned was that I went on a Google Doc and there was a sheet in the Google Doc.  There were a bunch of questions on the sheet. We had to answer the questions. There were a bunch of questions but I am going to say just a few of them. Would you buy the product, Do you think the advert is honest and heaps of questions to go.

Monday 7 August 2017

Raz Kids

I was on Raz Kids reading camouflage.
It was telling you how animals hide from predators.
If you don't know what camouflage means it means blending in with the environment.

Tables Conga

I was doing my Can Do's doing Tables Conga.
Tables Conga is a math game it helps you with your multiplication.
If you want to play it you can go on Transum.

Relationships with people

LI: to learn how relationships change and how they are made
What I learned was how relationships are made and how they are destroyed.
How I learned was that I had to name relationships I have with me and people in my group.
We went in groups of four.

Summarising Duck Overboard

Summarising the Main Idea

Good readers notice key words.  Here are some clues to help you find key words:
  • Key words are directly connected to the topic
  • Key words are often repeated in the title and the text
  • A key word helps you to remember an important idea
Use this table to help you summarise the main ideas in a text in your own words.  It is important that you use your own words to show your understanding and to avoid plagiarism.  If you don’t know what some words mean, look them up.

Keywords from the title
Keywords from subheadings
New words I need to look up
Read the text and record key words/phrases that answer these questions:

-What happened is that at January 1992, a ship was sailing wit containers filled with rubber bath toys.
-It was on the sea, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, South America and North America.
-It happened at January 1992.
-Scientist, Curtis Embbesmeyer.
-A big, strong, stupendous storm.
-The rubber bath toys were dragged by the sea.  

Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 25 words or less.

At January 1992 a ship was on sea and had containers on it filled with rubber bath toys. After that a stupendous storm came and the bath toys got away.

L.I. To look for keywords and phrases
What I learned was how to summarise a piece of text.
Summarising is retelling a story in your own words.
I also learned the five W's and one H.
How I learned was that Mr Ogilvie made a activity for us to do.
We had to figure out the five W's and 1 H.
We also needed the key words to figure out how to summarise a piece of text.

Friday 4 August 2017


I commented on Matthews Blog. 
He was blogging about a online reading game. You could read stories on the online game. 
Matthew was reading "Carlos joins the team".
It sounded really interesting.   

Prime Minister

LI: to demonstrate understanding of persuasion and influence
What I learned was the difference between persuasion and influence.
Persuasion is making someone think like you and you try it one time.
Influence is you convince someone about something and you keep on doing it.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Raz Kids

In the weekends I read Albert Einstein from Raz Kids.
This book is a biography about Albert Einsteins life.
A biography is about someone life and is written by someone else.

Imagery Media

LI: to learn about the difference between persuasion and influence
What I learned was the difference between persuasion and influence. Persuasion is you convince someone to think like you and you do it one time.
Influence is you try to convince someone something all the time or just most of the time.
How I learned was that Mr Wong made a activity for us. He made questions for us. The questions were really simple the first question was "What do all the posters about the product have in common" the other one is "What do you think the reader thinks about the poster.
There was a Rheumatic Fever question and it was "What kinda imagery is this".

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Reflection, Rotation and Translation

LI: to learn about Reflection, Rotation and Translation
What I learned was to do Reflection, Translation and Rotation.
Reflection is like a regular mirror. Reflection is when you have a shape you flip it over.
Translation is when you move or slide a shape around.
Rotation is you spin or turn a shape to an angle.
How I learned was I was watching a video that is telling us about the meaning of Reflection, Rotation and Translation.

New Zealand History

2 Aug 2017 09:44:01.jpg
LI: to identify the main ideas of a text
Yesterday for reading I went to Learning Space 2 because we were doing the same topic as Learning Space 2. What I learned was the main idea of a text and how to skim and scan a story or text. I also learned a bunch of New Zealand history.
How I learned was I went on Learning Space 2’s site and went on reading. We pressed on Mrs Anderson on the screen. Then we went on a slide and had to go on Term 3 Week 2. After that we pressed a link on the slide and got us onto a site that tells you a lot about New Zealand history. Mrs Anderson gave us a big sheet of paper and we had to write information on New Zealand history. We had to write the information in our own words. After we wrote enough information we had to write questions about New Zealand history.
My Questions about New Zealand is how did the Maori’s decide to pick a King for their Island.
New questions I have been thinking about are:

Why did they only allow men over age 21 or over to vote.
Who was the first female speaker in New Zealand.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Persuasive Advertisement

LI: to recognise and understand the purpose of advertising persuasive language features
What I learned is what is the goal of advertising and persuasion. The goal of advertising is buying the product people made. Persuasion is making people think like you and trying to persuade the person of what choice you picked.
How I learned was that Mr Ogilvie made a activity for us about advertisements. We had to answer the question that Mr Ogilvie made for us. The first question was what the person or company was selling.