Thursday 31 May 2018

Samoan Language Week

LI: To learn about the Samoan traditions.
T.his week is Samoan language week and so for it half of LS1 and LS2 were grouped into two LS1 students and two LS2 students (Since the other halves were on a trip), we could choose from doing traditional events, foods, numbers and other things but my group just chose to do traditional food. We put pictures, the recipe and the ingredients in

Venus Fly Trap Explanation

LI: to write a detailed paragraph
This week for Writing we learned about Paragraph, and its structure. The Structure is S.E.E. 
S - Statement
E - Explanation
E - Ending
The statement is what your going to talk about. The Explanation is explaining how (topic) it works. The conclusion has to lead to your next paragraph. We wrote a Explanation about Venus Fly Trap. We had to use Mr Wongs Planer and make a proper Explanation.


LI: to pass side ways and back
Today at Kiwi Sport we first played Ripper Rush. We played two rounds of Ripper Rush. The first round Alisha was in, and the next round Lukah & Zepplin were in. Then we played a couple of rounds of Ripper Rugby. 3 teams of 7. Green and Blue. Each team had two rounds to play. So in total we had 6 games. Then we got into six lines. 3 lines on one side and the other three on the other side. The lines were parallel from each other. What we had to do was a person had a ball, and the other two people in the front of the other lines would have to catch the ball from her, but they had to catch it behind her. We did a couple of that and played another game of Ripper Rugby. But we had to pass the ball side ways and back. Then we finished and went back to class. 

Friday 25 May 2018

Compulsory Task


LI: to learn how to work as a team
This week we have a new topic. Instead of Sensitivity its Nutrition. Also instead of the Nervous System it's the Digestive System. We also have new Compulsory Task. The new task were:
Slide Presentation
Hand Drawn Poster
and a Word Ring


LI: to learn how to smartcomment
Today I commented on Lukah's blog-post he had a good blog-post but had just a little mistake. He had a good DLO (Digital Learning Object), and a good blog.

Thursday 24 May 2018


LI: to properly learn how to play Rippa Rugby.
Today our focus was to make a rip. Last week we were learning how to pass and be a team, so this time we stepped it up by having rippas. The first game we played was Everybody's it. We all had a Velcro and put on our rippa, everybody would have to steal peoples rippas, and at the end whoever had the most wins. We played two rounds, the highest we got was 4 rippas on one person. Next we played Rats and Rabbits, we played a lot of rounds. Then next we played Rippa Rush, it was kinda like ball rush. Then we played Touch with the rippas.


LI: to learn about Maori
Today we had Fire Odie for Maori. We had a sheet of paper and four circles. We had to draw, being happy, and angry. Also because today was a cold rainy day, we drew a cold face, and a hot face. It was a fun activity. I also tried to design it Anime Style.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn about integrity and being a role model
Today have a new topic! The new topic is 'Being a Role Model'. We talked about what integrity is and what a Role Model does, and who is personally a Role Model. I said "My Role Model is my mum, because she took care of me and showed me the world". Then we went into our Energizer. The Energizer is called Doggy, Doggy. Its basically there is a person on a chair, with a pool noodle. The people around him have to get an object, if you get hit with the noodle you are eliminated. So next we had a another session. After we played another Energizer called 'Who's missing'. Everyone lies down, with their stomach on the floor and have their eyes closed. Someone has to get out of the room. Then everyone rises and tries to figure out who is missing. 

18 Sentence Explanation (Worms Digestive System)

LI: to write basic paragraphs
Today we were writing about Worms Digestive System. We had to write a 18 sentence Explanation about it. We watched a video before we wrote the 18 sentence Explanation. The video was how it works, and how it goes step by step. There are seven steps in a Worms Digestive System. They are: 

Keyword List & Concept Star

LI: to identify keywords from a text
Today we did the keywords again, but in a different text. The text is called Counting Kakahi. The text is written by Hannah Rainforth. She went to find and find Kakahi's. Hannah was counting how much Kakahi were left in the world. We had to find the keywords from the text, and also find what she did, how she did it, and what she found out. 

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Volume and Capacity

LI: to measure volume and capacity
Today we learned about volume and capacity. Capacity is how much something can fill, so for example I got a Ice Cream container, and I would have to measure how much Ice Cream that could fit. About the amount of liquid or things in a object. So if I got different sized cup, but filled them with the exact amount for each cup. The size of the cups will be different but the amount does not change.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Explanation Planner

LI: to compare a explanation and a information report
A Explanation is a text that is telling you how something works. A Information Report is a text that is telling facts and information about something. Today we were comparing what a Explanation and a Information Report is. We had a topic to write about. It is the Aluminium Can. 

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Keyword List

LI: to identify keywords from a text
Today we learned about the keywords in text. So what are the keywords in the sentence. So a keyword is a main, or important word in a text or sentence. Get the important words then see how much you have. If you have to much its wrong. Take some words from your list and check if it reminds, or teaches you something.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Explanation (What is The Nervous System)

LI: to plan and write an explanation
Today we learned how to write and explanation. The structure is:
T: Title
I: Introduction
E: Explanation 
C: Conclusion
There is also a structure for a paragraph for the Explanation. It is called S.E.E. 
S is for Statement, E is for Explanation, and the other E is for Example. Then we wrote a planner on what our Explanation Writing was going to be like. Then when we are done we wrote the Explanation.  

What is My Task?

LI: to search for research materials appropriate for our reading level
This week for Reading we researched a lot about the Nervous System. We got library books, school journals, internet text (Articles) and also YouTube videos. A Nervous system is a small body part that sends signals to your brain. The Nervous System has two parts. The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. Also known as CNS, and PNS.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn about integrity
Today we went to Kiwi Can and our Theme was Integrity. Then our topic was to Make Good choices. We first played our Energizer called Opposite. We had to do the opposite of what the Kiwi Can Leaders were doing. If Lily was putting her hands up then we would put our hands down. We played three rounds. First Round- Zero Winners. Second Round - Diana is the Winner. Third Round - 0 Winners. Then we went to session time. When we done that, we played Terminator Attack for the Activity. Terminator Attack was kinda like Infinitive Tag. So everyone was in. You had to tag someone. If you got tagged you would have to sit down. But if your tagger gets tagged you can get back in the game. If you tagged the person and he tagged you at the same-time, Rock Paper Scissor it out. We played 2 rounds and went back. Then we finished it from there.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Divider

LI: split division problems into parts using known multiplication and division facts

Today we learned about our division. We used the Divider to help us. It is kinda like the Multiplier except is is Division.
The Equation I did was 104 / 8. I did that equation because I wanted to challenge myself with something harder.
I split my equation into threes, but not equally.
I did it by using my Multiplication facts. So for example you didn't know what 63 / 7 was. So what is
7 x ? = 63, its 9 so the answer would be 9. So this is one fact:

7 x 9 = 63
9 x 7 = 63
63 / 7 = 9
63 / 9 = 7

Friday 4 May 2018


LI: to learn how to play soccer
This week for Kiwisport we were suppose to have Rippa Rugby but instead we had soccer. We first learned how to control the ball. We learned how to pass the ball. How to trap the ball and more. We first had a game, we got into groups of four and pass the ball around and called the persons name. Then we played a game, it was kinda like piggy in the middle. 3 people and you would have 1 person that is trying to get the ball. When we finished we got split up into teams. Bibs vs Non Bibs. We got into a line, and Mr Ogilvie would call out a number and that number, the amount of people would have to go out and play. The Bibs won! 1 - 0.

Thursday 3 May 2018


LI: to learn about the 7 characteristics of living organisms
Today we were learn about the 7 processes or characteristics of living organisms. It is called or the acronym is called M.R.S G.R.E.N. Those 7 characteristics stand for:

and last of all Nutrition. 

The Mulitiplier

LI: to self monitor and learn our times tables
Today I was on a site called Multiplier. It is a website that has equations that are 2 - 1. So like 12 x 3. We had to answer some questions about using the Multiplier. It is really helpful and you could split the equation into half, thirds, or quarters to solve the equation more easily.

Purpose and Text Types

LI: to assess Authors Purpose and determine the reliability of given in the text
Today we learned about the Purpose and Text Types for Reading this week. We also learned a little bit of Writing. We first had a quiz, Boys vs Girls. The point system was:
 - 1 point (For putting your hand up and getting picked, but put your hand down and refusing)
+ 1 point (for getting it wrong or trying)
+ 2 points (for getting the answer right)
We had a lot of questions and the Boys ended up winning with 26 while the girls only had 20.
Then we went onto our Must Do. We made a Google Slide and Mr Wong had for us 4 sites about children's health. For each site we had to guess:

The Text Type
The Authors Writing Purpose
Target Audience
Is the site reliable and Why?