Tuesday 31 July 2018

Adding Fractions


LI: to add and subtract with like and unlike denominators
This week we had to teach people how to add fractions together. I used a Google Slide to teach people how to add the fractions. Firstly it was hard but then I got used to it and learned how to do it. If you want to add fractions go on my Google Slide. When you add fractions you have to know your Multiplication Facts.

Reading Comprehension Strategies | Myths, Legends and Fairytales


LI: to learn when we use the reading strategies when we read
LI: to learn the differences between Myths, Legends, and Fairy-tales. 
This week we learned when we use The Reading Comprehension Strategies when we read. So before and during reading I think we should use Predicting, because we could try to figure out whats going to happen in the book. Also before and during reading the book we Activate our Prior Knowledge. So we could look at the cover and all of those stuff to give us a more understanding, and also when we read a book we don't understand something so we have to use the knowledge we already to understand it. Also during reading we should use Visualizing so when there is a part in text with no pictures, you can imagine that piece of text visually in your mind. We should use Self Monitoring during because when we read there could be a part we don't understand so we Self Monitor so be aware of what we don't understand. I think we should use Questioning during and after, because we can question about something that we don't understand, during and after. We should use Inferring during so we could infer about something in the text. We should use Synthesizing at the end so you can develop your ideas without reading. I think we should Make Connections at the end because you don't have to do it while your reading. After that we made a Venn Diagram about the Differences and similarities between Myths, Legends and Fairy-tales. A myth has some religious things, and supernatural events. A legend is a historical fact about someone or something. A fairy tale is a story that has magical creatures and has a moral in it. 

Friday 27 July 2018

Visualizing and Questioning


LI: to visualize and question scenes in the book
This week we learned about Visualizing and Questioning. Visualizing is picturing a scene from a story or even a audio-book. Questioning is when you read a book, you question about it before, during and after a book. So our task was to Visualize and Question about 3 books each. For Questioing we had to find the answer in the book, or having to use your prior knowledge. Visualizing was draw a picture of the scene you have picked. 

Thursday 26 July 2018

Narrative Planner

LI: to write a quick narrative for the Manaiakalani Film Festival
This week for Writing we got into groups of three and wrote a Narrative on the LS1 Olympics. But we had to make a problem. It was a lot of fun. When we've finish writing the story, we are going to vote for a narrative and the narrative is going to turn into a movie. The movie was about me having a fart that might destroy the world.



LI: to learn what the media is
This week we learned about the media. We used this slide to help us find out what the media is, and how much people use it everyday. So the media is a source of information on a medium. A medium is a physical or digital platform that gives you information. We also watched videos to give us a bigger understanding of the media. We also wrote down all the media we use everyday and often.

Kiwi Sport

LI: to learn how to be safe in the water
This week we learned how to be safe in water and learned how to swim. When everyone in the Yr 5 group got changed we all got tested to see what level we were in. I was a Level 2. So we first learned the Safe Entry. We had to put both our hands on one of the sides and drop in. Then after that we went on platform that was higher from the surface so we could see and not drown. Then we all did a Dolphin Dive across a platform to another. We did that for a couple of minutes and floated on our back. When we finished that we learned two ways to safely go in water. The first one we all sat on the wall that was keeping the water in the pool, and we stood up turned backwards, put out hands on the wall and go in but keep your hands on the wall. After that we did the other technique, which was stand up, legs together, hands by your side, and take a pig step and drop straight in the water. We had to stay still while we dropped. Then we learned how to swim underwater. We all tried. After that we had toys and threw it somewhere and had to swim underwater to get it. Then after that it was the end. 

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to show resilience to achieve you goal
This was the first Kiwi Can Session for Term 3. It was really exciting and fun. So first we talked about our new Theme and Topic. Our theme was Resilience and our topic was Goal Settings. Resilience means to never give up and bounce back to try again. Goal Setting means to set a goal you want to strive for and achieve. You have to focus on that goal and achieve it, once you done it achieve another goal you want to do. After that we went onto our Energizer. On this game we had to sort out each other. In this game we had to be silent while sorting each other in order. For example we all had to be quiet and order each other on what month our birthday are one. After that game we had a session about why we need goals and what our goals are. Then lastly we played our activity and it was called Set a Goal. In the game we had three cones and one hoop. Each cone represented a amount of point. One would be fifty points, other one hundred, and the last one was a bonus one one hundred and fifty points. We were sorted into two groups. Team One and Team Two. One person in each group had to throw a hoop to pone cone if they get a cone with fifty points they get fifty points, same with the others. Our goal was to get up to five hundred points. Team Two one with three hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty.

Multiplying Fractions

LI: to find fractions of whole number amounts using multiplication and division
This wee we learned how to multiply fractions. We only multiply the denominator which is the number at the top. But we leave the denominator alone. So for example 3/4 x 6. We would have to multiply 6 and 3 together. So it would be 18/4. We can also simplify it to its lowest form which is 4 1/2.

Duffy Theater

LI: to learn about bullying
This Monday we had Duffy Theater. We had three people who acted in the show for us. The Duffy Theater was about bullying and the name of the show was "The Cloakroom Bully". The show was really funny but also taught us a lesson about bullying. The show was about a boy named Duffy, he had a friend and didn't know she was bullying people in her class. So the girl that was being bullied told Duffy and the problem was resolved. But the bully was still continuing. So the bullied person was trying to be nicer to her, and that kind of worked. So she gave the bully a book called the Halloween Bully. Then the bully realized that she was being a bully. So she apologized and became friends. 

Friday 6 July 2018

LS1 Whats Living Quiz

LI: to learn about MRS GREN
Today was the day of the Quiz! We all did the quiz and had an amazing setup. We did drawing, sculpting and questioning. We first did drawing. Everyone in the group had to do at least one drawing. There were six drawings we have to do. Same with all the others. Six scuplts, and six questions we had to answer. We learned everything we needed to learn for this day. The systems we have learned about is the Nervous System with Sensitivity. The Digestive System with Nutrition. The Respiratory System with Respiration. Finally we learned about the Circulatory System.

Thursday 5 July 2018


LI: to learn how to smartcomment
This week I blogged on Andrews blogpost. He blogged about his Quiz that he made for Reading. The quiz that he made was the story Not so normal. He had some mistakes, but everything else was fantastic.

Man and Sea Quiz

LI: to synthesize information from a text
This week we learned how to synthesize. Our DLO was to make a Quiz about the book you were reading. I used Google Form to do my quiz. The book I was read was Man and Sea. It was a good book. So the book was about a boy who was coming of age, he got a tattoo that resembled something.  So here is the link to the story Man and Sea: Man and Sea Story
Here is the link to the Man and Sea Quiz: Man and Sea Quiz

ASB Getwise

LI: to save money 
This week we had a guy from ASB that came to teach us about saving money. His name was Jayden. He taught us Cash goals. Which meant something. Cash Goal stands for:
C - Clear
A - Action
S - Save
H - How long

We learned about being clear about our money. So if we just said we wanted shoes and got one, but the next day you won't like it. So we have to be clear about our goals. So you have to be clear and specific. So you want basketball shoes, with your size, a nike shoe, the quality and the price. 

We also have to take action. So we could earn money by helping with jobs in the neighborhood, do your chores, and even sell stuff. So like selling clothes you don't wear any more, old furniture, your old toys and more. 

We also have to save. Lets say you earn $10 a week. You save 5, and spend 5. You have to save at least something. Even if you spend more and save less, at least your saving. 

You also have to know how long until you get your goal. We've also learned the Two W's. When and Where. You have to know when you start saving to get what you want, and where your buying it.    

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Silent Red Book | Dialouge & Monologue

LI: to write a narrative with a dialouge
This week we learned about Dialogue's and Monologues. Dialogue means two people speaking to each other. A Monologue is just one person that's thinking. Our DLO (Digital Learning Object) was to write a narrative with only a dialogue and monologues. We watched a video called the Silent Red Book and it had no words. We had to write what it was saying, so thats what we did.



LI: to learn about Matariki
This week LS1 went to collaborate with LS2 to learn about Matariki. We got into groups and made a DLO about Matariki. We got our information from a video Mrs Anderson prepared for us. We had to watch and write the information in three minutes. Then we took that information and made a DLO with that information we made. It was fun and we had an amazing time.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

MnM Fractions

LI: to understand corresponding fractions, decimals, and percentages
This week we learned about fractions. Luckily we used chocolate as equipment to but we ate it all. We first had an activity that involved chocolate. There were three spots with chocolate. Each place had a different amount. One place had a bar, next two bars, and last 3 bars. People would have to go and pick a place to be on. At the end you would try to have the biggest proportion of chocolate at the end. Then for our Must Do we used MnMs as our equipment. We had to make fractions out of those chocolate. We sorted out the colors, the amount of MnMs, split it into fractions and more.

