Wednesday 31 October 2018


LI: to learn some words in Maori
This week for Maori we read a book that told us what happened lately this week. The book was called Te Huarere (english translation: the weather). It told us the weather of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and today which is Wednesday. We had to write the story and put a picture of the weather, that the story described.

Link to Te Huarere:

We also went on Google Maps and looked up:
Mt Everest
Tai Rawhiti

Kiwi Can

LI: to be respectful and respect the school
This week for Kiwi Can we learned more about Respect, and being respectful to the school. What we first did was play and energizer. Our energizer was "Center Ball". You first get in a circle, and be named a number 1 - 4. Then when someone calls out the number, the people who were named what ever number was called, has to go around the circle and go back where they were and grab the ball in the middle of the circle.

Later we talked about why we have rules, and talked about the rules. Later we played a game called "Bus Stop". You have to get in equal groups. Get a paper, and a pen (maybe marker, pencil, or color pencils, etc). Then you a have table. Which has boy and girl name, food, animal, and color. Then someone calls out a letter and you have to write the stuff that are related to the category. First team to write all of them shouts out "Bus Stop!". Then if someone has the same answer then you get 5 points. If no one get your answer you get 10 point. Keep doing that, then the team with the most points added up altogether is the winner.

Then we finished our game, then went to our point. Later headed back to class.

Friday 26 October 2018


LI: to learn how to smartcomment
This week I commented on David's blog - post, and he had a good DLO. But he didn't have that much on his blog - post. I told him what he needed o fix and what he did good, so he could fix the changes and do the good stuff again.

Keyboarding Tutor

LI: to learn how to type fast with the homerow keys
This week I went on this site called Keyboarding Tutor. It shows you the home row keys. It also shows you a bunch of letters or words and you have to type them while on the home row keys. If you type the letter or word incorrect it turns the color red to show you, you got it incorrect.


LI: to learn how to answer equations in a limited amount of time
This week I went on Prototec. Prototec is a practise sheet that has a bunch of equations. When you finished the sheet its shows you what you got wrong, and how long you did it. It also shows you how much you got right out of 100 percent.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Paragraph Structure

Good Recount:
After maybe a half an hour later, the path suddenly became difficult to climb. The path became extremely steep and the surface changed as well. It  changed from stones to loose gravel. We tried to take huge steps but each time we did, we would slip back down. We kept going and dealt with the hard climbing. We even had to use our hands to hold onto the gravel. After a while we came to a huge sign which had Japanese letters on it which had a bunch of pathways. I read it because neither Dom or Alex could read Japanese, and so know which pathway to take. Instead I found out we were on the service road which is for bulldozers, and diggers. Me, Dom, and Alex admitted to each other we were stupid.

Bad Recount: 
After maybe a half an hour. And then the path became very difficult to climb. The path became extremely steep. The path’s surface changed. It changed from tightly packed stones to loose gravel. We started using large steps to try and move forward, but each time we took a step, we slipped back down. We had lost sight of other people climbing, but when we did spot people they seemed to be walking alongside us but at a different elevation. We kept on with the hard climbing. We even used our hands to hold onto the gravel. After a while we came to an intersection with a large sign showing different paths around and up Mt Fuji.  I could read Japanese whereas the others couldn’t, so I tried to figure out where to go. Instead I ended up finding out that we had climbed up the service road! This road was used for bulldozers, diggers and other heavy machinery that could travel on difficult roads. We all agreed we were stupid.

LI: to correct certain structure and language features in a recount, and to evaluate writing samples using the PBS writing rubric, and to correct certain structure and language features in a recount.
This week for Writing my writing group learned about Paragraph Structure. The Structure of a paragraph is TEE. T stands for Topic Sentence, E stands for Explanation, and the other E is Ending sentence. The Topic Sentence should've continued off of the last sentence of the paragraph before, and should relate. The Explanation should tell what happened. The ending sentence should continue off to the next paragraph.

Immediate Cause of World War 1

LI: to learn about the causes, conflict, and resolution to World War 1
This week for Inquiry we continued on about World War One. We learned about an acronym that involved with World War One. The acronym we learned was M.A.I.N. It stands for:
M for Militarism
A for Alliance
I for Imperialism
N for Nationalism
Militarism means the belief of having to have a good military, with flashy guns, and having an amazing arsenal. Alliance means to work together with a person, or a nation. Imperialism is when a country has a big military and picks on smaller, weaker, and poorer countries. Nationalism means to be proud of your nation and having pride in it.

Kiwisport | Boxing

LI: to learn how to box, and also to keep our physicality and mentality fit
For Term Four's Kiwisport we did Boxing. Our instructor was Pax. Pax first taught us the three commandments. The three commandments were: Respect, Discipline, and Safety. We had to respect our coach, peers, and the equipment. We had to be discipline so we can control ourselves and behave properly.

After that we put on our gloves and we learned a stance, we learned about a position that was called "Rock". What w had to do to complete the position was to: spread legs out a little bit more than shoulder, put right leg back, bend knees a little bit, then both hands under yes, and elbows protect torso. The reason it is called Rock is because, when you are in this position you should be solid and shouldn't break the position.

Later we learned a punch called the Jab. We punched the Jab with our left because our left leg is forward. So how w do the Jab is just to punch it straight out, with our knuckles down. After we learned another punch called the Cross. The Cross is kinda the same as the Jab, but it puts more power. The power comes from the legs, and you punch the cross with your right hand. So when you do the cross, you punch it straight out. But when you punch it straight out, your hips should twist, and your right heel should lift up.

Wednesday 24 October 2018


LI: to learn more about Maori history
Today for Maori we learned more about Maori History. The first thing we did was read a story called "Remember that November". The book was about a man named Guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes was a man who wanted to blow up the House of Parliament. But he failed and got captured. Then he went to trial and they executed him by hanging him.

Then after we went on our devices and researched on google maps Parihaka. We also had a sheet of paper that had the map of New Zealand. On the New Zeland map we had to mark where Parihaka was. We found out Parihaka was just below New Plymouth.

Multiplication Activity


LI: to recap and learn again about a math subject
This week for Math I focused on Number Multiplication. We learned a variety of different strategies that could help us finish an multiplication equation quicker. I have made an activity that has an equation but you need to use different strategies to solve the equation.
Link to Multiplication Activity:

Conflict & Resolution: Painted Hoe

LI: to analyse a story for its conflict and resolution
This week for Reading we did the same thing as last time, but read a different story which was a true story. We had to write the two sides and write what both of their ideals were. Then we had to write what the conflict was. Then we had to write the parts that lead up to the resolution of the story. The story we read was called Painted Hoe which told us a lot about wakas. The story I connected with was Odysseus the Great Warrior. Odysseus the Great Warrior was about a war, and the war was to claim something. Painted Hoe was about a war to claim something as well.

Smart Media

LI: to identify the purpose of the information presented in media and to understand that media is made for purpose
This week for Cybersmart we completed our slide. Our slide was about the media. The slide talked about what is media, how does the media portray myself, we also did a game to show us how gimmicks persuade, or support the persuasion of people to buy a product. We also wrote about the school media.

Friday 19 October 2018


LI: to learn how to smartcomment
This week I commented on Xaviers blog - post. I commented on him about what he did wrong and right. I told suggested on somethings he should do next time on a blog - post.

Keyboarding Tutor

LI: to learn how to type fast with the homerow keys
This week I went on this site called Keyboarding Tutor. It shows you the home row keys. It also shows you a bunch of letters or words and you have to type them while on the home row keys. If you type the letter or word incorrec it turns the color red to show you, you got it incorrect.


LI: to answer equations in a quick time
Prototec is a help on Math. It has digital sheets with year levels on there and times you. There are sheets for Yr 2 - 8. Also there are sheets for multiplication like 2, 5, 10 time tables. Then the rest of the time tables.

Skytower Recount Analysing

LI: to quickly write a recount using the correct structure and language features and to recall the structure and language features of a recount
This week for Writing we wrote a recount about our trip to the Sky Tower. We had to include the structure and language features. So we wrote our recount in forty minutes. Then after we analysed our recount we checked what rubric we were for punctuation, vocabulary, and sentence structure. We also then analysed someones recount as a class and try to figure out what rubric they are in. Then for our DLO we had to suggest the changes in our recount.

World War 1 Activities: Timeline Order | Vocabulary

LI: to learn about the causes, conflicts, and resolutions in World War 1
This week for Inquiry we were learning about Peace. We first learnt about the causes, conflicts, and resolutions in World War One. We first learned new vocabulary so we can understand it throughout the term. Then we also did an activity which had a bunch of events and we had to put them in time order. All the events were in the topic of Word War One.

Statistics Activity

LI: to recap learn again about a math subject
This week for Math our DLO (Digital Learning Object) was to make an interactive activity of the math focus we were doing. So for the next three weeks we will be able to choose out of four options a math focus to work on. Then we will learn and recap about the Math Focus and make an interactive activity, so other people can go on the activity. The Math Focus I picked was Statistics. My activity was to make a graph with the parts all over the place.

Wednesday 17 October 2018



LI: to learn more about media
This week for Cyber-smart we continued media. Media is a source of information from a digital or physical platform. The purpose of media is to persuade or advertise a product so people can buy it, or can scaffold information that could be happening in sports, internationally or nationally. Or even more. 

Our activity was to make a advertising website from a website, using gimmicks or tricks. The gimmicks we used were a theme for a place, a mascot, a phrase, rewards, an activity. 


LI: to learn more about Maori
This week for Maori the first thing we did was read a story about the beginning of earths creation. It was about the earth mother and the sky father being together with no light, but the sons of earth and the sky wanted to be free so the sons separated them. Then there was a stream of light flowing everywhere. Later the sons became gods. Tu became god of man and war, Tangaroa became god of the sea, Tawhirimatea god of wind and storm, Haumia became god of cultivated food and the wild, and lastly Rongo became god of peace and agriculture. Then we watched a video explaining the story of the beginning in Sand Art.

 Later for Maori we learned about the history of the first Maori man to discover New Zealand, the maori mans name was Kupe. The name Aotearoa came from the wife of the Kupe. The wife of Kupe said "He ao, he ao, he ao tea roa".Then Kupe looked around New Zealand and told everyone else from his village about New Zealand. Then they all wanted to go. The reason they left was because back in the small island they were living in they were complaining about land, and food. But New Zealand had plenty of that so that's why they went. They also went in groups. So the went in Waka Migrations or Great Migrations. Waka migrations is when there are only two wakas going at a time. But a great migration is when seven wakas could go at a time.

Kiwi Can

LI: to be respectful and follow the rules
This week for Kiwi Can we had a new topic and theme. Our new topic was Respect for our school, and our new theme for the next three weeks was Respect.

So what we first did when we arrived was play our energizer. Which was called No Rules vs Rules. Which was that we played tag with no rules and with rules. So first we played tag with no rules. But after we played tag with rules. We had two taggers and had to run away from them from a specific speed. After we played we talked about which one was better.

We talked about why the game with rules were better, the reason is when we played without rules we didn't sort out who was in and wasn't. So it was chaos and people could've got hurt.

Later we talked about what are rules. Rules are like the law, or something to guide you, or even keep things sorted when playing a game. Then we talked about the Rules in school and why we need the rules. Why we need rules in school is so we can keep safe and keep things sorted. After that we played our activity which was called Role-play. We had a scene that we had to act out, in that scene we had to pick if we did a respectful approach to a person in the scene, or disrespectful.

Then when we acted out our scenes and when we finished we talked about how it portrayed that the person who approached to someone else was disrespectful or not. 

Then after that we finished our lessons played a bit of Master then headed back to class.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Conflict & Resolution: Sparks

LI: to analyse a stories conflict and resolution
This week for Reading we read a story and had to fin out the Conflict and Resolution. Conflict is a fight/disagreement/argument between people or a group. A resolution is entirely fixing the problem or not, or changing the conflict to something else. We read a book called Sparks and it was full of Conflicts and we had to analyse to see if they were conflicts, and had to find the resolution. This book is similar to Harry Potter. The two characters would be Harry and Voldemort. Harry's purpose is to destroy Voldemort, and Voldemort's purpose is to destroy Harry. The conflict between them are fighting and all that stuff. But the resolution is Harry destroyed Voldemort.