Monday 30 August 2021


 LI: to learn how to use shapes to make artwork

For our Reading we were learning about artwork, using different art tools and using shapes to create pieces of artwork. The artwork I had recreated was "Girl with a pearl earring". It was fun doing as I got to recreate it with tools on Google Drawing, being able to trace certain parts as well as create other parts with the shapes available on the app. It was fun doing, as we got to use other colouring tools such as Coolour. 

Geometry Definitions

LI: to learn about Geometry


This week for Maths we continued on with our lockdown learning. We are learning about geometry. Geometry is a branch of maths which focuses on measuring and comparing shapes. For this task we defined different geometry terms and showed an example of them for example circumference which is the perimeter of a circle.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Find, Explain, Fix

LI: to find the most efficient strategy

For Maths we were learning about how to locate and identify errors, then how to fix the problem. It was really fun doing, and I was able to show my strategy. It was especially fun doing, being able to work with my friends. The questions we had were multiplication, addition, and BEDMAS. BEDMAS stands for Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. 

Goodbye Poems

LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture of opposites with your words.

For Writing we had Mrs Sheena show us and teach us a new poem. This poem related to Lockdown talking about the pros and cons of lockdown. We were able to do talk about what we missed and what we didn't miss during lockdown, this helped us express our feelings and emotions about lockdown through the poem. It was fun and interesting learning a new poem, as we were able to add different language features and do this with our friends. 

Writing Words

LI: to find the most efficient strategy

As a group we worked on papers to write our thoughts more clearly. Our strategy was to add the first 3 numbers (657, 493, 1183) and get an answer of 2333, we then subtracted that number from 6000 to get our final answer of 3667. We then created a DLO of our understanding. It was really fun doing and solving this problem with other people like our friends

Wednesday 25 August 2021

5 facts about Geese

LI: to learn and research about Geese

For Reading we read a text, and answered questions about the text to enhance our skill in comprehension and inference. For our task we made a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about Geese showing 5 facts about them. It was fun doing as we were able to do this with our friends, and it was very interesting learning different facts about these geese. 

Tuesday 24 August 2021


LI: to use the most efficient strategy

This week for online learning I worked with a group of four people to solve this question. We worked out that each person would shake hands with 53 other people since there are 54 people and you can’t shake hands with yourself. So we multiplied 53x54 to the answer which is 2862. It was really fun and interesting to do when we got to do it wih our friends, solving this together. 

List Poem

LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.                              

For Writing we were learning about Poems. The Poem we were learning about today is called a List Poem. By the name it states that it is a poem that lists things you've done, or would like to do. This was really fun because the poem I did was called "What is a million", listing things I have or have done a million times. It was really fun doing this activity as I got to see what I have done in my lifetime, as well as appreciate what is around me. 

Monday 23 August 2021

3D House

LI: To use the most efficient maths strategy.

For the first Maths lockdown challenge we figured out how many wall and roof pieces the world’s first 3D printed house has. What we did was we read the questions, then we did 195 + 85 =  280. We did the rest of the questions as you can see above in the DLO. We worked cooperatively in groups to solve these questions and create a DLO of our findings.


Letter Q

LI: to extend our vocabulary with the letter Q

For Reading we were learning about words starting with the Letter Q. We started off by reading a text talking about the origin of the Letter Q, and where it came from. Our task was to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) showcasing words we know starting with the Letter Q, and words we don’t know starting with Q. It was really fun and interesting doing because we got to learn new vocabulary, and we were able to do this activity with our friends.  

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Te Reo Maori

 LI: To identify the different objects through Te Reo Maori.

For this weeks Maori task we were challenged to find the different amount of objects there were on an i spy sheet. The challenge was that all the objects names were in maori so we were to translate them and find out how many there are of that object. On the left of the DLO it corresponds with the list on the right. Porohita  13 and so on.

Tuesday 17 August 2021


LI: to learn about water safety

For Swimming we were continuing on learning about Water Safety,  learning different strokes. We started off doing Streamline as a warm up, and continued doing different strokes. We then did strokes but these strokes helped us manage our breathing, and let us feel less tired. It also helped us lessen our head movement, and restrict your neck movement. It really helps, and another thing we did was starfish but we had to only kick to strengthen our calve muscle. 

Tech - Painting

LI: to learn about the Color Wheel

For Tech we were learning about tints and shades. A tint is a lighter version of a colour, but a shade is a darker version of a colour. We were learning this while painting, we learnt how to mix colours and apply the colour on paper. We were learning about Primary Colours, and mixing them to make Secondary Colours. It was really fun as we got to do this with our friends, and with other people.  

Monday 16 August 2021

Ancient Greek Olympics Presentation

LI: to reorganise your information

To learn about the Ancient Greek Olmpics we were set to make a presentation using the information we learnt from taking notes and researching. We reorganised our notes and formed it into a presentation to present infront of our classroom. In our presentation we showcased "What are the Ancient Olympics?", and "What were the sports or competitions that were played in the Ancient Olympics?". We then showcased what were the events that took place in each day. 

Hauora Poster

LI: to explain Hauora using the Olympics

For Inquiry we continued our learning about Hauora. Our task or activity was to make a Poster or Diagram explaining each wall or each area about Hauora. When explaining each area we had to relate it to the Olympics, or athletes. This task was really fun and enjoyable to do as we were able to create a Poster and we were able to do this with our partners. 

Monday 9 August 2021


This week our focus was to write down the different feelings that come with losing and winning an Olympic medal. For winning we noted down mostly positives things such as pride, happy, victory. As for losing we noted the opposite. We learnt that to embrace both of these is having all walls standing up, as we lose we learn from our mistakes making us wiser, as we acheive our goals we can set higher goals that challenge us.

Friday 6 August 2021

Microbit Coding

LI: to see and understand the connection between the written code, the block code and the flow chart.

This is the comparison between the Python coding, the blocks and the flowchart for making the Microbit act like a dice. We did the task in partners, and it was really fun doing as we got to use different formats of coding such as blocks and python which was really cool, cause we got to learn the rules and codes of each format. 

Y - Chart

LI: to comprehend and infer from photos

For Reading another one of our activities was to make a Y - Chart for our Violet Walrond story. Since our focus for reading is the olympics we used a photo and linked them to 3 catergories (what they were; wondering, thinking, feeling/seeing). We then added text boxes answering each of those certain catergories. 

Thursday 5 August 2021

Olympic Challenge 2

LI: to use the most efficient strategy


For another one of our Math activities we are doing another Math challenge based on the Olympics. This challenge is about Gymnastics and the Gymnast from the Olympics. Our first word problem from the challenge was to figure out the score of the Gold Medlaist using the information we could find from the word problem. In my DLO it showcases the strategy I used for both the equations, the word problems, and the questions. 

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Mindfulness Reflection #1

LI: to learn about Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about calming your body and mind, focusing on the present and leaving any negativity behind. Being able to have a positive mindset. For this new programme we were learning about how to be mindful, and how to rest our mind. This programme helped us meditate and learn how to get into a positive mindset rather being in a negative place in our mind. 

When meditating we focused on our posture and our breathing, which helped us relax and chill. Doing this helped us focused on the present and kept our minds in the present rather than losing concentration, to the cause of mind wandering. 

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Olympic Challenge 1

LI: to the most efficient strategy                                                


For Maths we have been doing word problems based on the Olympics, the first challenge was about Michael Phelps. Celebrated swimmer and Olympian, representing the United States of America. The first word problem was "How much metres did Michael Phelps swim?" in the competitions he was playing in for the U.S. The next problem was "How much strokes did he do in the Olympics?" during his stay in Tokyo?