Wednesday 27 February 2019


LI: learn the notes or chords C, F, A, and G on a ukulele
This week for Music we did our first session on how to play a Ukulele. We first learned that on a Ukulele the long top part is called a Throat and on the throat are little bars on it called Frets. We then learned the notes or chords C, F, A and G. C is on the third fret and bottom string. A is the second fret top string. F is second fret top string, and first fret second bottom string. G is the hardest which is third fret bottom string, third fret third string, and second fret second string. So with those notes and chords we played One Call Away, and also the Lazy Song. 

Exponents (Powers)

LI: to learn about exponents but also other operations
For this week we firstly had to pick names for each of our Maths Group. But we needed a theme first so we pick our theme as Math Operations. We had to pick an operation as our name and that operation we picked we had to make a poster about it. So my team was called the Exponents or Powers. So for my poster I had to make it about Exponents. Exponents (or powers) in Maths are numbers that are multiplied over and over again. It's just like multiplication repeating addition again and again, except this time it is multiplication. 

Positive Body Language

LI: to learn more about Positive Communication
This week for Kiwi Can we talked more about Positive Communication. But to start of the lesson we played an Energizer. Our Energizer was called "Fruit Salad". Ms Paige would say a fruit and each fruit had a command we had to do.

Next we talked about why Positive Communication is important, and also talked about Positive Body Language. So an example of Positive Body Language would be a smile, high five, fist bump, hugs and more. Then we played Hand Soccer. It is pretty much Soccer except you only can use your hands.

Then we ended the lesson by play GKQ (General Knowledge Questions).

Reading Infographic


LI: to make an Infographic on Reading
This week for Reading we firstly to start off the session learned about Infographics. Infographics are like a poster mainly only having pictures. The pictures in a Infographic have to explain what you are talking about, and there should also be a little bit of writing just to let the people understand it more. So for our Must Do we made an Infographic about reading. The questions we had to answer in the Infographic is: What is Reading? Why do we read? What reader are we? What helps us read?

Friday 22 February 2019


LI: to comment on peoples blog - post
For commenting I had to comment on someones blog - post to help them out if they have any mistakes in there blog - post. I blogged on Hosea's blog post and he was blogging about what he did for Math.
Hosea's blogpost:

Keeping Ourselves Safe

LI: to identify behaviours by other people that make them feel unsafe or uncomfortable
This week for Inquiry we started off the session talking about our personal strengths. I am really good at FIFA, but I am bad at Fortnite. I like Manga, but I don't like romance books.

We also talked about emotions. What makes happy is when I win an award, but what makes me sad is when I get beaten at something. We also learned what safe things to do when we are sad or happy. When I get angry I go away and take a breather, but when I am confused I ask someone for the correct answer, or direction.

We also learned the three type of touch which were the safe touch, confusing touch, and the unsafe touch. An example of the safe touch is a high five, a confusing touch would be a wet willy, an a unsafe touch is slap in the face.

We also talked about safe an unsafe situations. A safe situation is like staying in bed reading a book, and unsafe situation would be walking through a path you don't know well.

Link to Safety Cards DLO:

Thursday 21 February 2019

Ki O Rahi

LI: to learn the ares of the field in Ki O Rahi
This week for Kiwi Sport we learned the field of Ki O Rahi. The field also symbolises the story of Ki O Rahi. There is the rock Rahi was on in the middle. There was also the island in the story. In the field there was also a mote that the Taniwha made. Surrounding the mote is the teeth the Taniwha threw. Lastly there is the Ice Bridge Rahi's father made. Then there is Te Ao which is the world. 

Music (Week 2)

LI: to play the chords C, F, A, and G
This week for Music we played the song "One Call Away", "Shotgun" and lastly we played "Lazy". We played those song just by using notes like C, F, A,G. We also played chords which are more than one note combined to make a sound. We played chords by missing a note then playing the note next to it. So we play those to notes at the same time.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Active Listening

LI: to be a good listener
This week for Kiwi Can we focused on Positive Communication, but firstly to start of the session we went into our Energizer. Our Energizer was called "Remote Control". So Mr Alapati was the commander who could control us. There were 6 commands he could say. The commands were: Play which was walk, Stop was to freeze, Pause was to jump, Rewind was to walk backwards, Fast Forward was to walk fast, Slow Motion was to go slow. Mr Alapati also you trick commands like jump, but jump wasn't a command, so we would be eliminated. If you didn't do the command correctly you would be eliminated.

After we talked about Positive Communication. We talked about what was communication and why it was important, also what ways can we communicate with each other.

Later we then played a game called "Chop Suey Salute". So we had numbers that were specific commands which were: 1 is to jab, 2 is to punch twice (Both hands), 3 is to punch twice then kick, 4 is to do the kamehameha action, 5 is to do a simple uppercut. We then had to do it with a buddy and Mr Alapati would call out those numbers, and if one of the buddies do the command faster they get a point. He also did combos like: 12345, which was all the commands combined. We then did it with other people and tried to find the master.

We then to finish of the session played GKQ (General Knowledge Questions).

Number Brainstorm


LI: to think flexibly about numbers
For Maths we had to learn about facts that related to the number that we chose. To start the lesson we had to get into groups of three, after we got into groups of three we had to have a brainstorm about a number, then we had to see how many equations we could find that made that number. After the brain storm we had to go off and get pick our own number and brainstorm, but we had to put it on a google doc with some other facts about the number, like pop culture, or history and more.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Tasman Fire


LI: to understand a local event through reading
For this activity we made 3 DLOs (Digital Learning Subject). We firstly read sites about an event which was the Tasman Fire. Our first DLO was a slide. We first put the Main Ideas which was the 5 W's. Our Summary Frame was to write down 20 important words, and from that 20 we had to pick 6 words which were the most important. Then we use those 6 words to make a summary of the text we are reading. Next we did Evaluating which was to summarise the text, what interesting facts we found, and what are our questions.

Next we made a poster about the Fire Hazard Rating in New Zealand, and also we talked about the Tasman Fire. We also had to follow the print design rules. Then we made a map of the Fire Areas of the North ans South Island. We also put a map of the Prohibited places in New Zealand to spark a fire.

Friday 15 February 2019

Music (Week 1)

LI: to learn the notes and chords C,F,A, and G
For this lesson Whaea Ode taught us Music. She taught us where to strike on the chime bars, xylophone, keyboard, and metallophones for C, F, A, and G. We also learned what a note and a chord is. A note is just one sound from an instrument. A chord are sounds combined to make one sound. Our activity was to play notes and chords to play One Call Away. We even did Shotgun.


LI: to plan and write a recount
For this activity we wrote a recount. We first practised brainstorming by picking a number and writing down anything about it. Then we made an individual plan about all of our activities in the holidays. We just had to write it down. Then we had to pick an idea from our plan and write a recount about it. We needed to include TREE. TREE stands for: Title, Reveal, Events, and Ending.
Title is what the main point of the story is in a couple of words.
Reveal is the Who, What, When, and Where.
The Event is what happened.
Lastly the Ending is the reflection.

My Writing:

LS1 Graphs


LI: to display data on a graph
For this activity we made graphs about LS1. We had to make six graphs. Every group had the same data. The graphs we made were: who has pets, amount of siblings, favourite subject, holiday activities, birthdays, and languages. We had to do one of them as a group then make one ourselves. A graph is something that shows data in an organised way. 

Thursday 14 February 2019

Safe Password Rules

LI: to create a strong (safe password)
For Cybersmart we had to make a poster that told us the Safe Password Rules. A safe password is a password that is really strong and can keep your account safe. But first we had to look at sites for the rules. Then we made a new password for this year to keep our accounts safe. 

Kiwi Sport (Ki O Rahi)

LI: to learn the origin and basics of Ki O Rahi
For Kiwisport we played a game called Ki O Rahi which is a Maori Game, that people a long time ago use to play to stop arguments. We played a game which was similar to Rats and Rabbits, but we were just called Ki ama, and Taniwha. We played a couple rounds of that.

After we played a game called 8 Passes. We got into two teams. We just had to pass the ball 8 times in a row, while the other team tries to stop you. We played a couple then modified it. The first round you had to get 8 passes, then second round 7 passes, and then it keeps decreasing.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: to have a positive relationship with people around us
The first thing we did when we arrived to Kiwi Can was starting to play an energizer. Our energizer was called "Eyes Up, Eyes Down". So we were in a circle and when someone says "Eyes Down" your head had to be down. Then if someone said "Eyes Up". You had to look at someone in the circle. If you and that person make eye contact that means you both are out. We played two rounds of the energizer.

After we talked about the rules. So we talked about rules that would fit Kiwi Can and Class Rules.Our new theme was Positive Relationship, and our Topic was Positive Communication.

Then we played our activity which was called "Midnight Tunnels". So we had to get in groups of three and everyone playing had to get in a circle but with your group. Then everyone in your group had to be name a number 1, 2 or 3. Then someone would shout a number and that person named that number had to run around the circle then go into a hoop in the middle.

Later we played a second activity called "Jockies Up". Which was similar to "Midnight Tunnels". We had to be with a partner and then someone would hold their backs. Then someone would say "Jockies Up!". Then they would run around their partner then run around the circle, then get back to their partner. Then switch and do it again. We also alternated how we would go around the circle.

The we played a game of GKQ.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Self Potraits

LI: to make a self portrait of ourselves
For this activity we drew pictures that had something to do with the Three P's. The Three P's are Protection, Participation and Partnership. So for Protection I drew someone stopping a fight. For Participation I drew someone wanting to be something. Lastly for Partnership I drew someone being friends with someone they don't know.