Friday 30 July 2021

Superfingers Competition

LI: to learn and recap on our Times Table
At Maths we did a huge competition on the Maths game Superfingers. It was really fun as we got to play in brackets so we played Preliminary rounds, went to the quarter finals, then qualified to the semis, and two of us would've ended up in the finale going up against each other. 

To play Superfingers we have to get two dice, and pick any word. When you roll it you multiply the two numbers, and whoever says it first rubs off a letter of the word to win. Whoever rubs off all the letters first wins and qualifies to the next round. 


LI: to learn the meaning of a provocation

For Reading we were learning about what a Provocation is. A Provocation is a certain topic that triggers emotions and feelings and lets people express their personal opinions on the topic. The topic for our Provocation was the nations that hosted the Olympics, should they spend so much money on the Olympic facilities. Japan spent 15.4 billion dollars on their facilities for the Olympics. 

To continue our learning Reading we also read a book about the Olympics, on Violet Walrond. Reading the book we had to answer a set of questions with our Reading Group. Tese helped us with our comprehension and inferring skills. 


Flowchart Practise and Micro Chat

Learning Intentions

To understand how flowcharts relate to coding blocks.

To understand how to get the microbit to talk to another microbit using radio signals.

Here is my flowchart practice document. 

The next activity today was coding the microbit to send a radio signal to another microbit. We had to make sure that both microbits were on the same group number so we didn't accidentally get a message from another group.

Friday 9 July 2021

Robotics in the stars

LI: to try to get the mBot to move in the shape of a star

This week for tech Mrs Ferguson challenged the year 8s to code the mBots to move in a star shape for the Matariki celebration. Above is a photo of the code i used to create a perfect star shape, because the star wasn't perfectly drawn the coding wasnt as easy as doing one step and putting it on repeat, you have to adjust to the drawing. I found this interesting because I found it challenging as it was complicated. This was a fun task because I liked making iterations.

NZ Map

LI: to learn more about Te Reo Maori

To continue our learning with Te Reo Maori we learnt the Te Reo Maori words for these different cities, towns and landmarks in New Zealand. Our task was to first match the Te Reo Maori and English words with each other, and we then later had to mark where the places were on the NZ Map. We did cities like Christchurch and towns like Kaikohe and we varied with each place. 

Thursday 8 July 2021

Matariki Brochure

LI: to strengthen our connections to Matariki


Outside Brochure


Inside Brochure

To continue our learning with Matariki we made a brochure for tourists that may come to New Zealand at the time of the Matariki Celebrations. In the brochure it shows the origin and the meaning of the celebrations, as well as the way of Matariki. It showcases images about Matariki, as well as the traditions about Matariki. 

Matariki Stars

LI: to strengthen our connection to Matariki

To continue our learning with Matariki we drew the Matariki stars, and labeled each of them. This activity helped us identify each star, and learn each of the names to strengthen our connections to not only Matariki but the culture and celebration. It was really fun doing this as this was an art based activity. We were able to edit these stars and it was very fun doing. 

How to find the Matariki stars

LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition. To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities, this research activity shows ways to find the Matariki stars. It showcases both the modern ways scientists use, as well as the traditional ways the Maori used to use back in the days. 

I found out that the Matariki stars signalled to the Maori that it was winter, and it came to me that was the reason they harvest at Matariki. I enjoyed this activity because I was able to do this with my friends as well as find out a lot about the Maori and their ways of Matariki and about it. 

Matariki (Harvest)

LI: to strengthen our connections to Matariki 

This week we have learned about Matariki as the celebration of Matariki has started, it is the beginning of the New Year for the Maori. Matariki is about harvesting, planting, thinking about hte year ahead and about life. Matariki are also the stars up the sky showing that it is Winter. In my DLO it shows the birds that are the kai for the feast people usually have for Matariki, and it also showcases the tools used to trap or capture the birds. 

Friday 2 July 2021

Coding In Python

LI: to

This week we learnt to create a code on our kittenbots to show different faces. Unfortuantely mblock wasn't working so we did our code on python. Python is differnt from mbock as it uses text such as brackets, hashtags, many more. The code works simply; once on of 2 buttons are pressed (a,b) the code will signal the LED's to show a certain icon (sad,happy face), but if both buttons are pressed (a+b) it will show a silly face. I enjoyed this task as I got to work on a different platform than mbot.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Organizing and Researching

LI: To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 
David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about Greek Mythology vocabulary and identify Greek places on the map.

I found this activity interesting because we got to learn a bunch of new words and places about Ancient Greece, we also learnt a lot of words revolving around Politics which was very interesting. 
The word/place I found most interesting was Alexander the Great because he was known for his amazin standout feats in battle. 

Greek Gods

LI: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the Greek gods

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table.

I found this activity interesting and really enjoyable because I really like the topic and it is something new. 

The Greek god I found most interesting was Poseidon because it controls the waters, and has a really interesting background. 


Vision Board

LI: to allow us to gather a recording of what we want to achieve this year

Our Vision Boards are visual showcases of what we want to achieve and accomplish this year. In my Vision Board I have things such as Sport, School, Religion, and my personal life mixed into this to help me with my achievements so I can be the best me by the end of this year.