Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Divider

LI: split division problems into parts using known multiplication and division facts

Today we learned about our division. We used the Divider to help us. It is kinda like the Multiplier except is is Division.
The Equation I did was 104 / 8. I did that equation because I wanted to challenge myself with something harder.
I split my equation into threes, but not equally.
I did it by using my Multiplication facts. So for example you didn't know what 63 / 7 was. So what is
7 x ? = 63, its 9 so the answer would be 9. So this is one fact:

7 x 9 = 63
9 x 7 = 63
63 / 7 = 9
63 / 9 = 7

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Chris
    I like your work about the Divider because it has photos and your L.I and what you know which was 7x9 9x7 6x7 and 63 / 9 63 / 7
