Thursday 8 March 2018

Andy Warhol and Pop Art

LI: to learn about Pop Art
LI: use our searching skills
LI: learn about Andy Warhol

We had to work with groups of  3 and make a poster about Pop Art and the inspiration Andy Warhol. We also had to work on the Print Design Rules to make the poster look good. We had to follow Text, Color, Composition, and Layout.
Text: You have to make the fonts the same and do not make them all different. You can change the Title font but not the Headings and information.
Color: Do not have clashing colors, so don't have colors that don't go together. Also don't have colors that are to bright because they're going to hurt people's eyes. Also don't have a black text and have a dark color background because when you to read it from far away, you won't be able to see it because the background and text is blending together.
Composition: Have pictures that relate to the topic, use a balance of images and text, and use the space that is left out.
Layout: You have to put the images and text in the right place. Align images so it looks good.

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