Wednesday 31 October 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to be respectful and respect the school
This week for Kiwi Can we learned more about Respect, and being respectful to the school. What we first did was play and energizer. Our energizer was "Center Ball". You first get in a circle, and be named a number 1 - 4. Then when someone calls out the number, the people who were named what ever number was called, has to go around the circle and go back where they were and grab the ball in the middle of the circle.

Later we talked about why we have rules, and talked about the rules. Later we played a game called "Bus Stop". You have to get in equal groups. Get a paper, and a pen (maybe marker, pencil, or color pencils, etc). Then you a have table. Which has boy and girl name, food, animal, and color. Then someone calls out a letter and you have to write the stuff that are related to the category. First team to write all of them shouts out "Bus Stop!". Then if someone has the same answer then you get 5 points. If no one get your answer you get 10 point. Keep doing that, then the team with the most points added up altogether is the winner.

Then we finished our game, then went to our point. Later headed back to class.

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