Friday 11 June 2021

Building a Mbot

LI: to understand how the mBot is put together so that I can fix it when something goes wrong

Today, we took an mBot apart and then reassembled it. We then tested it with some code to make sure that it worked correctly. We started off by taking the parts without the tech in it such as the wheels, we then started screwing out the harder stuff like the sensors and the brain. 

Here are the parts of the mBot that I took apart.

Here is when I reassembled the mBot.


  1. Hi, this is Anna from New Windsor School.You are lucky to have tech, we don't.What code did you test?

  2. hi chris i'm Finn and i'm from belfast school i liked the way you made your robot like a car.and i wish i'm your buddy good luck.

  3. Hi Chris I'm Noah from New Windsor school that sounds awesome how long did it take you to reassemble it?

  4. Hi, this is Charmy from New Windsor School. Was it hard to reassemble it?

  5. Kia Ora Chris! My name is Reuben from New Windsor School. How long did it take to make the mbot? What did you code the mBot first?
