Wednesday 22 September 2021

Kate Sheppard

LI: To find information that answers your questions and tell us about an important person in history in your own words.

For our Distance Learing we continued our research on impactful figures and individuals. Our person was Kate Sheppard, born in England but had immigrated to New Zealand. She was a big part of the Womans Suffrage Movement, and led New Zealand to be the first country to let woman vote. She had made such an impact you can find her on the New Zealand 10$ note. 

1 comment:

  1. I think Kate Sheppard was an amazing woman who showed immense courage and changed the way women were perceived, giving them a voice. Her actions have impacted the way Government has evolved and now we see many women in powerful positions, a good example our Prime Minster Jacinda Adern.
    Good work
