I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
LI: to learn how to smartcomment
Today I was commenting on Juels blog - post and it was about keeping you Google Drives tidy and not messy. It was a good blog - post He had a blurb, a DLO, a LI (Learning Intention) what he learned.
Kiwi Sport
LI: to learn how to bat
Today we had Kiwi Sport with Alison (Kiwi Sport Teacher) I learned the batting position, the things you need to do is:
Knuckles aligned
Shoulder width apart
Bat on your throwing shoulderElbows out
Eyes on the ball
When we did that we played Scatterball again but this was different. It was all the same you bat and field, but when you field and put the ball down on the cone, you have to sit down to let other people get the ball. The batting team batted, and the fielding team fielded. Then we switched and played one round. When we played Scatter we played 4 corners.
How you play is you need Four cones, bases or anything. When you have that you need one person in the middle to count down 5 down to 1. When the person gets to 1 everyone has to be at a base, and the person picks a base to get people out. When then they keep doing it until there's only one person left. We played three rounds. First one normal, second we had to walk backwards to a base, and third round we had to walk like any animal. When we played those three rounds we had a recap on what we did today and left to class.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Kiwi Can
LI: to have Positive Relationships
Today I went to Kiwi Can and when we got there we went straight away to the Energizer. Our first game was called 21, we got into a circle and had a ball, it was kinda like hot potato except you can hold the ball longer. We past the ball around and we counted while the ball was going around, when we stopped at 21 the person is eliminated. We played one round and then had a session time. We were talking about Conflict Resolution. We were talking about what we would do when someone was angry. Our suggestions were: Wait for him/her to calm down, include them with you and more to come. When we finished that we played another activity called Guess the Emotions its kinda like sherades except a llot more people act it out. So we got into groups, then we had someone in the front to try to guess the emotions. They would look away from the Whiteboard because Miss Lily wrote the emotion on it, so we would have to act it out. When we finished we had about 10 rounds and played GKQ (General Knowledge Questions). Then we left to go to class.
Google Drive
LI: to organise our files correctly
Today we were organising our Google Drives to save some storage. We did it because during the year we could put more stuff in our Google Drive. We even got a example on the Whiteboard to have an idea on which files to put in which folder. When we finished we got into buddies and helped each other on tidying up our Google Drives.
Self Monitoring
LI: to self monitor our understanding of a text
Today I made a Google Doc about self monitoring. We had a table, and we had to write the words, we didn't understand. We had to also use the Fix Up Strategies to understand what the words meant. The Fix Up strategies were:
- Re-read
- Read ahead
- Find out what unknown words mean
- Stop and think
- Create a picture in your head
- Ask questions
- Make predictions
- Make connections
- Look at pictures, illustrations, charts, and graphs
- Ask for help
W did it with a partner for some help as well.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Duffy Assembly
Today we had Duffy Assembly and our guest were Tayla Hodson Tomokino, and Matt Johnson. When they got here we were singing the Duffy Song "Read About It". When we finished singing Tayla and Matt went to the stage and talked about how they became famous, and how they got to where they are right now. Matt and Tayla have done a lot of stuff. Matt is a rugby player who right now currently plays for the Blues. Tayla is an accountant, commentator, and a interviewer for SkySports. Tayla and Matt have a lot of achievments they've done in their lives.
Then Tayla was talking about when she was little she was in her Granddad's shed. Then she saw a article/newspaper and saw her mum in it. Then she told her Mum, and wanted to be like her. Six months later when she was 6 she won her first race in BMX. Then she carried on and traveled the world. The she talked about why she stopped. She said "I wanted to try something different, because I won 4 champions in four years in a row!". Then she showed us her first jersey, and her first trophy. Tayla was even a national and international BMX champion.
Matt also has played for the Melbourne Storms in the League. They are really great and they even have future plans. Matt wants to recover from his injury and go back and play for the Blues. Tayla wants to graduate in a help sportsman and sportswoman with contracts. When they finished they were talking about reading and giving us advice saying "If you don't like reading it is probably because you are reading what you're not interested in". Then we ended it by Tayla and Matt giving us our Duffy Books.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Minute o Win it Olympics Reflection
Over the past few weeks LS1 has been having their own mini Olympics. Well Minute to Win it Olympics. Last week we were playing a heap of games based on the Minute to Win it challenges. Some were easy some were impossible for some people to complete. For Example today no one could do a challenge called Stack Attack. Then obviously they beat us. We had blog post to do as well, and when the team finished the blog they could practice the activities, or challenges. Everyone tried really hard doing the challenges. I was just hoping to at least practice each activity once or even twice. Then at the last day of the week we would have a mini challenge. We had a table and we would put the scores in it. If you could do it in a minute you did it, but you also had to do it fast in a minute.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
LI: to learn how to smartcomment
I was commenting on Spelman's blog - post. He was blogging about his own Team Logo.
I was commenting on Spelman's blog - post. He was blogging about his own Team Logo.
Device Skills
LI: to learn how to use core digital skills
Today I was doing Cybersmart. We were talking about the shortcuts on our Chromebooks. In the slide we would have a task to do and see what the results were.
LI: to learn about sportsmanship
Today I went to cricket with the PBS cricket team. We went on a bus to the big field. the Yr 5 and 6 got there own field, and the Yr 7 an 8's got there own field. I as a Yr 5 was first going to go against Pt England. We went fielding first and lost by just a couple of points. Then next we were against Tamaki Primary and we lost again by a couple of points. The after that we got a hour rest and got to practice in a net where the batter would be at the end of the net, and the bowler would bowl it to him. When we got to eat a lot of food and practice we went to our last final games. We were going against Stonefields twice, well they had two group's of Yr 5's. We lost the first one because they were to good and to fast. The second team was as good as us and they one by two points! So then we ended it and went back to school.
Today I went to cricket with the PBS cricket team. We went on a bus to the big field. the Yr 5 and 6 got there own field, and the Yr 7 an 8's got there own field. I as a Yr 5 was first going to go against Pt England. We went fielding first and lost by just a couple of points. Then next we were against Tamaki Primary and we lost again by a couple of points. The after that we got a hour rest and got to practice in a net where the batter would be at the end of the net, and the bowler would bowl it to him. When we got to eat a lot of food and practice we went to our last final games. We were going against Stonefields twice, well they had two group's of Yr 5's. We lost the first one because they were to good and to fast. The second team was as good as us and they one by two points! So then we ended it and went back to school.
LI: to learn how to bat
I learned how us the batting position properly.
Hands together
Knuckles aligned
Shoulder width apart
Bat on your throwing shoulder
Elbows out
Eyes on the ball
Today we were playing Scatterball a little bit differently. Instead of using the tea Ash would through the softballs at us and we would have to hit it. If we couldn't do it without the tea we we would have to use it. We would hit only one ball and that was one that was what made it hard as well. You had to play smart of which base you would have to stop. We had two turns to bat and two turns to field. When we played four rounds we did a little mini game. We got into a circle and put our hands on our knees, someone would throw it or maybe trick them with a fake throw. If we dropped or put your hands off when they don't throw it to you, you are out.
Figurative Language
LI: to learn different types of figurative language
Today I was learning about Figurative Language. The types of figurative languages I learned was:
Idiom: A Idiom is something that doesn't make sense for the real meaning, so for example: A piece of cake. Kick the bucket and more.
Simile: A simile is comparing to things using the word like, or as. For Example: He is as fast ad a cheetah, he is like a elephant.
Alliteration: Alliteration is using words that start with the same letter in a sentence or poem, or any kind of writing. For Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Metaphor: A metaphor is comparing but without using like or as. For Example: He is a cheetah, he is a elephant.
Personification: Personification is a object that is using a human ability. For Example: The city was blowing wind, or the ball was walking outside.
Self - Monitoring
LI: to monitor of our understandings of a by ourselves
This week for Reading we were learning a Reading Strategy. It was Self - Monitoring. Self - Monitoring is when you read a text and you find something that you are struggling with and you can't seem to find what is is. That's what is Self - Monitoring. There are some Fix Up strategies you can use:
Re Read it
Use you prior knowledge
If you don't know, search it up
Or you could ask some who knows.
Brand Mottos
LI: to make a motto for our group
This week I was making a motto for my own group. But it had to represent us in a way. We had to look at other famous motto. We wrote about how there motto represented themselves. What we did for my own team/ABAN team our motto was "Knowledge + Strength = Power ". It means each person in our group is unique in a way and have lots of effort.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Place Value
LI: to learn our place value
Today were learning about place value. 1 - 10 and 10 - 1. So if I had One hundred one dollars it would increase a hundred. If I had Ten, ten dollars it I would have a hundred by increasing ten more. We could do the opposite by decreasing 10 or decreasing 100. I watched a video to get me a idea.
Friday, 16 March 2018
Personal Recount - Art Intensive Week
LI: to learn how to accurately use a range of simple, compound, and complex sentences
Today I was writing a personal recount about Art Intensive week and seeing or checking how much simple, compound, and complex sentences. I had to find three simple sentences. Three compound sentences, and three complex sentences.
A simple sentence really is simple.
You need a subject, verb, and a object.
For Example: Chris ran to the soccer pitch
Chris is the subject.
Ran is the verb.
Also the soccer pitch is the object.
A simple sentence also is just one idea.
A Compound sentence has two ideas.
A compound sentence needs a conjunction to connect the two ideas.
For Example: Chris ran to the soccer pitch but it was closed
The subject is Chris.
The verb is Ran.
The object was the soccer pitch, and the conjunction is But.
A conjunction is FANBOY and more.
Next is a complex sentence. A complex sentence has a One idea and a incomplete on so 1 and a half.
A complex sentence has a conjunction as the start of the sentence, and has a comma (,) before another conjunction. But you still need a subject, verb, and a object.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Can Dos
LI: to play Maths Games
Today I was doing my Can Do's and it was a Addition Game. This one was really intense because you have to shoot the UFO's before they get you. You have to shoot them with a answer. For example: 2 + 2 and you had the answer 4 then you would have to shoot that equation or UFO. If they get all the way down you lose. You get a score of how many you got right and how many you got wrong.
If you want to play here it is: Alien Addition
LI: to learn how to smartcomment
Today I commented on Lukah's blog post and he was blogging about making Predictions. He didn't really have any mistakes and it was a good blog.
Today I commented on Lukah's blog post and he was blogging about making Predictions. He didn't really have any mistakes and it was a good blog.
Olympic Logo
L.I: To create an Emblem for a group that represents qualities or things related to the groups team members.
This week, LS1 is having it's own minute to win it Olympics. Which is self explanatory, we have 60 seconds to complete a activity. The first step to this, is to get into groups. These groups would be the groups we would stay in, for this whole thing. We had to think about who were going to be with and who would be appropriate to work with. We needed 5 people in each team, but one team would have 4 since there are 54 people in the classroom. When I was thinking, I wanted to be with Farzana, Sakina, and 2 boys so it was quite equal. In my group there it, Chris, Sakina, Farzana and Jordan. Next, we had to create a team logo, an emblem. We created this on a google draw and by thinking about the people in the team. I really like how the flag turned out and I am excited to do inquiry this term.
The colors were just for decoration.
They were the favorite colors of the members.
Chris: Red
Victoria: Yellow
Sakina and Farzana: Blue
Jordan: Green
LI: learn softball skills
Today I went to Kiwisport and we were doing batting again. I was really excited because I liked Batting the best. The first thing we did was get into two groups. Team One did fielding and Team Two did batting. Team Two went in a line and did a recap on the position when you bat. When we did that we hit the ball and had to round around the basis to get p
The Batting position is:
Shoulder width apart
Elbows out
Knuckles aligned
Bat on your throwing arm
Eyes on the Ball
When everyone got a turn to bat we switched. Team 1 now bats and Team 2 now fields. When we finished that we did it again but we had a twist. Now we could only hit one ball and it would be harder because the fielders are only getting one ball and trying to get it. When we finished our teacher (Ash) hit the ball and it was with a lot of force. Then that was the end and we went to class.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Kiwi Can
LI: to give anything a go
Today I went to KiwiCan and went onto our Energizer straight away. Our Energizer was Rock, Paper, Scissor, but it had a twist. The twist was if you lost you would have to be in a train position and shout the persons name like "Lets go .......". We played about 3 - 5 rounds and did our session time. Our session was about Leadership trying things a go. Next our Activity was Sherades. We stayed in our four lines and they were our team. We had to pick who would go first acting out what they were trying to say. Then we played four rounds and we were going to finish but Mr Ogilvie shouted out that whoever didn't get to act out could do it because they wasn't the same amount of people in every team. We had a round and the it was Boys vs Girls. Liletina had to act for the girls and Mr Ogilvie acted out for the boys. It took us so long until Leon said the character. It was "Maui". Then we finished and went back to class.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
LI: to learn how to make and check Predictions
Today I was looking at a book and trying to predict it by the cover. The book I was trying to predict about is Picking Up Puha. WE had to look at the cover and look and what might of happened.
Predicting: Predicting is what you think is going to happen before you read a book or experience something.
Math Strategies
LI: to learn math strategies
Today we were doing Maths Strategies of Subtraction like:
Place Value
Number lines and more.
We were doing examples with Mr Ogilvie doing Algorithm, Place Value and heaps. What we had to do was make a DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) about the strategies. We did it to the hundreds and thousands. We had to make sure they were right.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Pop Art
Mr Wong gave us a picture of our selves in black and white. What we first did was trace the picture in blue pen. Next when you traced everything, you have to flip paper around and trace it in big thick pencil. You would have to do it side by side and make it thick, with no white coming out of it. Then you need a extra paper it transfer it on that. Duct tape it together and trace it with a different colored pen. When I first traced it on the first step I did blue and on the second one I did red. Make sure you trace it all and press on it hard enough to transfer it. Really, really make sure you traced it all or you might have no mouth, nose, missing eye and more. Then you could color it with any color pastol you want, but don't go over the lines, and do color the black spots, like the hair, eye balls, and more. When you are done you have to paint the black spots with black paint. Paint the hair, eyes, and more. Later when you have done that, you can trace the lines with vivid and then you are DONE!
Thursday, 8 March 2018
LI: to learn how to pitch
Today we learned how to pitch with our new coach Halina. She is really nice and fun. We first did a warm up game. We got into two groups and were playing a running game. We were playing Basis. Home Basis, 1st Basis, 2nd Basis, and 3rd Basis. Each group would start in a specific Basis and run around touch the basis. If we didn't touch all the basis in the run we would start again. Then we learned how to flick our wrist while throwing it. The we got into our Rock-star movement. We would play a imaginary guitar but putting our arms backwards then throwing it. After that we had to get in a L shape then K, while that we do the rock-star movement flick our wist and throw it. So we combined it all together and it was the end of our lesson.
Activating Prior Knowledge
LI: to learn and understand Prior Knowledge
Today we were talking about the census and it lead to us activating our Prior Knowledge without knowing. I made a Google Drawing and talked about Prior Knowledge. I found a picture I made it look pretty, but my priority was information what prior knowledge is. I also made a example of what I did before, I'm going to say this again. We were talking about the census and it lead us activating our Prior Knowledge and we had to guess what reading strategy we were using without knowing.
Structure and Language Comments
LI: to identify the features of a recount
LI: to evaluate and improve on our writing.
Today we were working on the recount we did last week. We had to find First Person Words, Past Tense Verbs, and Time Connectives. So a First Person word is something like "I went to the toilet". So using the word I is a example. If it is with someone you could say "we". Then more. Now we had to find Past Tense Verbs in our recount. Past Tense Verbs are like "Jumped, Hopped, Ran" verbs like that. We also had Time Connectives. They are like "Later, First, Finally" and more and more. Then we had to get in partners and check each others stories for more First Person, Past Tense Verb, and a Time Connective.
Andy Warhol and Pop Art
LI: use our searching skills
LI: learn about Andy Warhol
We had to work with groups of 3 and make a poster about Pop Art and the inspiration Andy Warhol. We also had to work on the Print Design Rules to make the poster look good. We had to follow Text, Color, Composition, and Layout.
Text: You have to make the fonts the same and do not make them all different. You can change the Title font but not the Headings and information.
Color: Do not have clashing colors, so don't have colors that don't go together. Also don't have colors that are to bright because they're going to hurt people's eyes. Also don't have a black text and have a dark color background because when you to read it from far away, you won't be able to see it because the background and text is blending together.
Composition: Have pictures that relate to the topic, use a balance of images and text, and use the space that is left out.
Layout: You have to put the images and text in the right place. Align images so it looks good.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
LI: to learn about smart commenting
Today I was commenting on Jaydens blog about Andy Warhol. He had a great DLO but had nothing on his blurb.
Today I was commenting on Jaydens blog about Andy Warhol. He had a great DLO but had nothing on his blurb.
Rounding Up Numbers
LI: to learn about rounding numbers
Today I was rounding up numbers to the nearest ten. I could of just did seven equations to finish it quickly but I wanted to challenge myself. I did it to the Ones, Tens, Hundreds, then Thousands. The Thousands were a bit hard but I got use to it.
LI: to learn understand Leadership
Today I went to Kiwi can with Group A. It was Yr 4's & 5's. When we got there we got into 4 lines and sit down. We first did a recap of what we did last week. Our topic was Positive Relationships and our theme was Fairness and Fair play. Today our theme changed. It was Leadership! We were talking about what a leader is and what it does. We were putting our hands up and saying "They're role models! They take responsibility!" then more. Then we did a game it was called Hammer. We had to get into partners and try to get them out. We had to each other fist one by one on each other. We played two rounds of Hammer. On the second round I was on the final. But sadly I lost. Later we did a session about Leadership again and about what they do to help the people. So then we played "Copy Me!". We had to get in two lines and the Kiwi can leaders had to give a action to the person in the front. While everyone else looks in the opposite direction. Next they had to carry it on, so the person in the front shows the other person in front of him and shows him the action, then it carry's on. We did a practice round and got to the real round. We played two rounds and my team won by 1 - 0. Then we play Master. We had a person that had to go around and a person would ask questions and try to beat them. We played and Xavier was our winner! Then we went back to class.
Friday, 2 March 2018
Pixel Art
LI: to learn how to use a ruler
Today I made a Pixel Art. I am trying to get Lvl 1. I made a Pixel Art of a Heart. It was pretty easy. So I am going to keep trying.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
What you need in a blogpost?
LI: to make a proper blogpost
For CyberSmart we are doing what you need for a Blog.
The things you need is a DLO. A DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) lets the people on you blog understand a little bit more of what you are talking about. You also need a blurb with a LI ( Learnign Intention ) to tell people what you learned and how you learned. You also need to talk about how you did it. Make a couple more sentences of what you learned and how you learned, and you have to check it before you publish it because it goes public.
LI: to learn how to smart comment
Today I commented on Mojtaba's blog post. It was fantastic! He was blogging about the Niuean Sports Day and compared it to our schools Sports Day.
QAR Questions
Niuean Sport Day
When is the Sports Day?
Do you think you are good at stilt racing?
Do you think tika throwing is easy or hard?
What do teams do to make the other team let go of the rope?
Game On!
When does the Olympics start?
What event do you think you would win in the Olympics?
What did the kids do when the Olympics happened?
If you had to pick the countries in the book which country would you play for?
LI: to monitor understanding of a text by using QAR
This week I had to make one type of QAR Questions for the book we were reading, we also got a bonus for the work. What I learned was the types of questions. The questions were Right There, Think and Search, On my Own, and Author and Me. Right There is a question that has the answer in the book. Think and Search is searching for the answer in the book. On my Own is a little bit tricky it is a question that relates ton the text. Author and me is the trickiest of them all, you have to think of what the author is try to tell you. It was we had to make another QAR for another Article or Story in the School Journal. The book I was reading was Niuean Sports Day and the bonus book was Game On.
3 Ways To Add
LI: to learn quick ways to add
Today I made a DLO of 3 ways to add. I had 3 ways to make adding or subtracting faster. I picked adding because it was easier. The first thing we did was try to figure out ways to add two numbers. We did it on the whiteboard. So then we had to do the same thing on our netbook then we blogged about it.
LI: to learn how to bat
The first thing we did was greet Ash who was our Kiwisport Teacher. Then Ash told us the batting position.
Batting Position
- Legs are shoulder width apart
- Hands together holding the bat
- Bat on you shoulder that you throw with
- Knuckles aligned
- Eyes on the ball
So after that Ash taught us how to play Skatter Ball. First she got us into Batters and Fielders. The batters lined up to bat the ball. So how we played was whoever was in the front had to bat it as far as possible so they could run in an arch and run around as many times, while they run the Fielders have to get the ball and put it on a cone. We switched roles one time so the Batters would become Fielders and the Fielders would become Batters. Then we played another round but this time while the Batter runs around the Fielders had to pass the ball to each other while trying to put the ball on the cone. Then we played two rounds and then said Goodbye.
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