Thursday 26 July 2018

Kiwi Sport

LI: to learn how to be safe in the water
This week we learned how to be safe in water and learned how to swim. When everyone in the Yr 5 group got changed we all got tested to see what level we were in. I was a Level 2. So we first learned the Safe Entry. We had to put both our hands on one of the sides and drop in. Then after that we went on platform that was higher from the surface so we could see and not drown. Then we all did a Dolphin Dive across a platform to another. We did that for a couple of minutes and floated on our back. When we finished that we learned two ways to safely go in water. The first one we all sat on the wall that was keeping the water in the pool, and we stood up turned backwards, put out hands on the wall and go in but keep your hands on the wall. After that we did the other technique, which was stand up, legs together, hands by your side, and take a pig step and drop straight in the water. We had to stay still while we dropped. Then we learned how to swim underwater. We all tried. After that we had toys and threw it somewhere and had to swim underwater to get it. Then after that it was the end. 

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