Wednesday 4 July 2018

Silent Red Book | Dialouge & Monologue

LI: to write a narrative with a dialouge
This week we learned about Dialogue's and Monologues. Dialogue means two people speaking to each other. A Monologue is just one person that's thinking. Our DLO (Digital Learning Object) was to write a narrative with only a dialogue and monologues. We watched a video called the Silent Red Book and it had no words. We had to write what it was saying, so thats what we did.


  1. Hi Chris! I've read your story and I think it has a lot of detail in it! It also helps me understand more of whats happening.It's really funny too!What I think you could've done is add more then one speech in there.Like using two speech bubbles.Good luck chris!

  2. Greetings Chris,
    I did this to. I like the way you explained what you did for writing. I also like the way you put a DLO on what you did. Did you have fun doing this task?
    Awesome job!

  3. Hi Chris,
    Nice blog post, I just think next time you could give us a question to excite your audience more.
