Thursday 5 July 2018

ASB Getwise

LI: to save money 
This week we had a guy from ASB that came to teach us about saving money. His name was Jayden. He taught us Cash goals. Which meant something. Cash Goal stands for:
C - Clear
A - Action
S - Save
H - How long

We learned about being clear about our money. So if we just said we wanted shoes and got one, but the next day you won't like it. So we have to be clear about our goals. So you have to be clear and specific. So you want basketball shoes, with your size, a nike shoe, the quality and the price. 

We also have to take action. So we could earn money by helping with jobs in the neighborhood, do your chores, and even sell stuff. So like selling clothes you don't wear any more, old furniture, your old toys and more. 

We also have to save. Lets say you earn $10 a week. You save 5, and spend 5. You have to save at least something. Even if you spend more and save less, at least your saving. 

You also have to know how long until you get your goal. We've also learned the Two W's. When and Where. You have to know when you start saving to get what you want, and where your buying it.    

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