Sunday 29 March 2020

Auckland Museum


LI: to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa

For one of the virtual tours we took a tour of the Auckland Museum. The Auckland Museum is a museum that shows different things that all related to New Zealand's or Aucklands history. The first activity I did was to tell you three facts about ANZAC, and the life of a ANZAC Troop. The second activity I did was to find out the parade that goes outside the Auckland Museum, and find out when it is held and why it is held.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris

    Well done! You certainly have completed a lot of the blogging challenge activities. I can see that you are also taking time to comment on other LS2 blogs. Thank you for this. Your vocaroo made your DLO interactive and I really liked the way you shared this information about the parade. Keep up the great work.

    Mrs A
