Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to show resilience and set a goal
This week we were learning about Resilience and Goal Settings. Resilience means to never give up when you make a mistake, bounce back and keep going. Goal Settings is to set a goal and achieve it, but we have to have a plan to achieve that goal, but if that plan doesn't work we can ask someone for help. For our energizer was a game called Tag Snatch. Everyone had a tag and had to steal. Last person was the winner. Then after we had a session about why goals are so important.  The reason achieving goals are so important is because that it could give us an impact on our lives, better futures, something to focus on, and something to strive for. Then we went onto our activity. Our activity was called Ball Control. We had to get in a partner boy and girl. then we got into teams but had to stay with our partners. Then we had a ball to control with our partners but we had to do it with a specific body part, like back to back and other things. After that we played GKQ and ended the session. 

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