Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: to learn how to be resilient and set a goal
This week for Kiwi Can our Theme was still Resilience and Topic was Goal Settings. Resilience is bouncing back and never giving up when you want to do something or achieve. Goal Settings is setting a goal you want to strive for and achieve. The reason setting a goal is super important is because, you have something to focus on, it could impact your life, and something to strive for and achieve. When you achieve that goal you feel great and you want to achieve another goal that is a higher level. So our Energizer was called Snatch. We were in a circle. There was a rope shaped as a circle. In the rope circle were cones. A song was playing we had to go clockwise around the circle and when the song stopped, we had to snatch a cone. If you didn't snatch it, you were out. Our activity was Octopus. Two groups, each groups were on different sides. They had to get to the other side without being tagged, but when we went to the other side we had to do a action. So we crawled to the other side, and more.

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