Monday, 23 December 2019

School Strike for Climate

LI: to complete the Summer Learning Journey
This is a task from the Summer Learning Journey. This years topic for the Summer Learning Journey is Change - makers. The task was to list three things we learned from the School Strike 4 Climate Australia, and then include a photograph of us doing one thing to help the environment. This task was based off of Greta Thunberg. She is saying that Climate Change isn't just real but it is a crisis. Climate Change is an increase to the temperature of our planet. Warmer temperature causes natural disasters such as flooding, bush-fires, sometimes even the extinctions of animals.

The first thing I learnt is that Climate Change is a big deal and is making huge impacts onto our planet like natural disasters. The second thing I learnt is that people are so serious about this they are sacrificing time off of their education just to let the world hear it. Lastly I learnt that politicians and the government aren't really doing anything about Climate Change.

My photo is me picking up rubbish.


  1. Great blog post Chris - very thought provoking! Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Hi there Chris, it's great to see you being really active with the Summer Learning Journey! You are doing some really good blogging. This seems like a great way to help the environment, well done for picking up all that rubbish. I'll be commenting on other posts, keep it up!

  3. Hi Chris!,
    Reading your three facts were enjoyable and interesting. One of your most interesting facts is the second one. Picking up rubbish is a great start of helping the environment/planet have a better and brighter future.

    Fantastic Work!

  4. Hi Chris!
    This activity you did was great, Great job for staying active with the Summer Learning Journey! What was the hardest part of this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence

  5. Hi Chris,
    I like the three facts that you learnt about climate change. I think that it is an issue that needs to be solved quickly. However, it's sad to hear that the government isn't doing anything to help fix the problem. What do you think they should do to help solve climate change?
