Friday 28 December 2018

Colossal Squid Problem

LI: to do a math problem
For one of the activities for the Summer Learning Journey I learned some things about the Colossal Squid. The Colossal Squid weighs approximately 500 kilograms. We have one in New Zealand at Te Papa Museum. So the activity was a math problem. The problem was: is that there is a 500 kg squid that had to be moved. So the average adult can carry 25 kg, and the average kid can carry 15 kg. How much kids and adults do you need to carry the 500 kg squid.

So how I got my answer was by adding 25 then 15 over and over, until I got 500.

25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 + 15 + 25 = 505

So my total was 13 adults, and 12 kids. 


  1. Hi Chris,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you explained your answer and the process for getting it clearly. A squid that weighs over 500kgs would be huge, and there'd be heaps of it to eat. Would you want to a squid that weighs that much?

  2. Hello again Chris,

    Well done on having a go at solving this maths problem. You have chosen to add the numbers 15 and 25 until you got close to the total which was 500. It would've been a challenge to not miss a number but it seems like you have been pretty accurate! Well done.

    Do you think there would be any other way to solve this problem? Remember this is a probability question which means you could play with different combination of numbers to see if they would work! Have a think about how this would work. Do you think using multiplication could also be another possible option?

    Keep it up and I'll blog ya soon!
    Susie :)


  3. Hi Chris,

    What an outstanding blog post seen from you. It's good to see you focusing on your learning during these summer holidays. I did this activity too. It was great. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? Your answer is great. You have showed great pride in your answer. Nice formula using. Do you have any other strategy's for this problem?


  4. Hello Chris,
    I got the same answer as you!. I think that this way it was much easier!. Keep it up!
