Sunday 30 December 2018

Picture Perfect

For this activity I had to pick one out of three selfies or photos and trying to predict what happened in the selfie. I also learn that in Canada there is the biggest waterfall on earth. It is called Niagara Falls.

I think what happened in the selfie or photo was that they won something. I can tell because each of them have a medal around their neck. It also might be in a stadium. I think its in a stadium because they could've won a sports game. It also looks like they are in New Zealand. I think they are in New Zealand because some of them look Maori. It also looks like they are sweating. I think that because you can see sweat on their forehead.


  1. Hi Chris,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you gave reasoning for your guesses as well as pointing out facts. I also liked how you included something that you learnt. You said that they wear probably at a sports game because some of them had medals, do you think they were at the Olympics?

  2. Hey there Chris it's Billy here again from the Summer Learning Journey team. Thanks for commenting on one of these selfies and sharing your thoughts about where it might have been taken and in what circumstances.

    I think you might be right, I think it is at a rugby game, specifically the Crusaders - judging by the uniform. I think the people around the player might be VIP fans/spectators.

    Do you enjoy taking selfies? Have you taken any with celebrities or anyone notable?

    Thanks, Billy.


  3. Hi Chris,

    What an outstanding blog post seen from you. It's good to see you focusing on your learning during these summer holidays. I did this activity too. It was great. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? The image for this activity looks great. You have described this greatly. I love the words that you have used to describe this image.


  4. Hello Chris,
    Wow great pick! I think that you might be right!. When I saw this picture I thought that thhey could be at a stadium!. Keep it up!
