Friday 4 January 2019

Black Robin

I learned that New Zealand is home to many different species of birds. But sadly the species is about to go extinct. Each year New Zealand holds "Bird of the Year". So for this activity we had to find a bird on the Bird of the Year Website. Then write a short description of the bird. Also where does the bird normally live? What does the bird normally eat. The bird I picked was the Black Robin.

The Black Robin is completely black, it is pretty small. It also has really thin legs. The Black Robin normally lives in Chatham Islands off the east coast of New Zealand. The Black Robin normally eats grubs, worms, cockroaches, and weta.

Photo by schmechf / (CC BY-SA 2.0)


  1. Hi Chris,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you also chose the black robin. I also liked how you explained where they usually live, what they usually eat and what they look like. Do you think the black robins should've won bird of the year?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Chris! Your choice of bird was very thoughtful. The Black Robin is a very well known bird and a beautiful one too. It's great that you also attributed the photo to earn your full point. Would you adopt this bird as a pet if you were able to? Keep it up!


  4. Hello Chris,

    Well done for completing this task. I am glad to see you posting these SLJ activities. Did you enjoy finishing this activity? Why? I did this activity too. It was very fun to complete. I chose exactly the same bird as you. Black Robins, because they look so cute, but they are in serious trouble right? Black Robins is a very known bird in New Zealand.


  5. Hello Chris,
    WOw great choice. I like the Robin!. It is like a raven but a bit different. You are doing so well keep it up!
