Wednesday 9 January 2019

Extinction Saver

Sir David Attenborough is a famous TV presenter from England who loves nature. He has spent his career filming documentaries about the planet and working hard to protect it. Sir David Attenborough has saved 10 species from extinction. They are:

1. Black Lion Tamarin
2. Sumatran Rhino
3. Solenodon
4. Olm Salamander
5. Spatuletail Hummingbird
6. Darwin’s Frog
7. Sunda pangolin
8. Priam’s Birding Butterfly
9. Northern Quoll
10. Venus’s Flower Basket

On our blog, we had to list 10 species (animals or plants) that we would protect from extinction. For each one, we had to give a reason as to why we think it is important to protect.

  1. Green Peafowl
  2. Asian Elephants
  3. Snow Leopard
  4. White Tiger
  5. Black Panther
  6. Wolves
  7. Lions
  8. Swallowtail Butterfly
  9. Gorilla
  10. Tonkin Snub-Nosed Monkey


  1. Hello Chris! You listed some very interesting animals that I agree should be saved from extinction. I love butterflies but I never knew one species was going instinct. This world is full of many animals and insects and I was able to learn some new ones reading your post. Speaking of this, what is your favourite animal? Keep it up!

  2. Hi Chris,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you said that Sir David Attenborough has spent his career protecting the wildlife. I also liked your choices of animals like the White Tiger and the Black Panther, although you did forget to add a reason why for each of them. If you had to choose 10 more what animals would you choose?

  3. Kia ora Chris,

    This is Susie from the SLJ team again. It is great to see that you've come up with a list of 10 animals to save from extinction. Animals such as Asian Elephants have caught my attention because they are listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Do you know about this list? Are any of the other animals from the list as well?

    As a part of this activity, you are required to give us a reason as to why you think it is important to protect these animals.

    You can perhaps add a sentence or two next to each animal explaining their current situation and the challenges they're facing. Please let me know in the comments section once you've made the change :)

    Looking forward to hearing back from you Chris,
    Susie :)


  4. Hello Chris,

    Well done for completing this task. I am glad to see you posting these SLJ activities. Did you enjoy finishing this activity? Why? I did this activity too. It was very fun to complete. The animals that you have chosen is amazing. They are all cute too. I'd list them for me too.


  5. Hello Chris,
    Great choices!. I think that we should have a chance to save our animals because they are such wonderful creatures!. You are doing so good and your almost finished!. Keep it up!
